How to emphasize your bends


If you want your forms to be more noticeable, there are several selection techniques that will help you create the illusion of more elegant bends. You just need to choose the appropriate color and cut and remember some rules when choosing a dress. Today, "take and do" will show you how to make your silhouette even more attractive without unnecessary victims.

1. Wear clothes with open shoulders

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  • When you expose the skin, you make this area more noticeable and attract more attention to it. Therefore, if you want your waist to seek less, create a contrast between bust and hips. Choose clothes that emphasizes your shoulders. This trick helps to spend a horizontal line through the top of the body, attracting attention to this area and making your waistly less compared to it.
  • You can wear a top with open shoulders with an arched or trapezoid skirt to balance your image and create an hourglass form.

2. Choose dresses with a smell

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  • The dresses with the smell are ideal for creating an hourglass figure and a waist underscore. At the same time, they are more conveniently fitting dresses. Choose dresses with a V-neck for your silhouette to be more elongated.

3. Choose clothes with a deeper cut

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  • It is better to avoid high neckline if you want to emphasize the bends, because this type of gate can make your body square. The low neckline will advantageously emphasize your clavits, neck and chest area, highlight bends, without revealing too much (the frank neckline is optional).
  • There is a small bonus: low cutout draws more attention to your face.

4. Show some skin on the waist

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  • Wearing shortened tops with jeans or legins with an overwhelmed waist, as well as dresses with cutouts in the waist area - a great way to make your forms more lush. Thus, you will emphasize the narrowest part of the waist, make it slimmer and create bends.

5. Try the style color block

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  • Choose tops with side inserts, directed inside to the waist.
  • You can also emphasize your waist using different colors or prints for areas both above the waist and below.

6. Choose pants and skirts with an overwhelmed waist

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  • Clothing with a high waist makes your legs longer and thinner and at the same time emphasizes your buttocks and waist. Thus, you will look like both lush, and high. Things of such a style are also well combined with shortened tops, if you want to show some skin in the waist area.

7. Wear a belt

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  • Belts help to emphasize the waist and create the correct proportions of the body. The belt is better to wear on the waist or slightly higher to draw attention to its bends. Do not wear the belt on the hips so that they do not seem more and harder.
  • Sample the belts of different widths, wide and narrow to understand what options you go most. Make sure the belt does not prescribe on the stomach.

8. Pick up the right adjusting linen

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  • If you wear tight clothes that emphasizes body bends, pay attention to the panties lines that can be noticeable and spoil the image. To avoid this problem, try to wear proper corrective underwear.
  • Corrective linen is created so that clothes are better sitting and emphasized the silhouette, and the body looked more tightened. His goal is not to give your body a fundamentally different form, but to make a silhouette clearer and contour, as well as smoothed any lines of underwear.

9. Be careful with loose clothing

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  • Overseas clothing, as a rule, hides your natural bends, and does not make them more noticeable. That is why it is better to give preference to models with a good landing that will emphasize your waist and attract attention to those areas that you want to allocate.
  • If you want to wear loose clothes, first emphasize your silhouette, and then use the free thing, such as a coat, as the top layer.

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