20 positive facts about different countries who will tell about something unknown and fascinating


What would we do without facts, no matter how else we prove others that we are smarter and know what they do not even guess. And if seriously, the facts allow you to learn a lot of new things, and let these knowledge are often completely useless, but still read them extremely exciting. The author of the page on Twitter FactBuffet is only engaged in the fact that he will post a variety of facts, but for some period he decided to quit all the forces on collecting positive facts about different countries. We have gathered 20 the most interesting and relevant of them, and they are all waiting for you further.

In Scotland is the shortest street in the world, and it is even noted in the Guinness Book of Records

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In Russia there is a monument to laboratory mice

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Burkina Faso has the largest solar power station in West Africa. In addition, in 2013, two men from Burkina Faso won an international competition for the invention of soap scared mosquitoes

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In 2015, a global record was put in Bhutan when a group of 100 people planted 49,672 wood per hour

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The most highly located ATM in the world is located in the mountains of Pakistan

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He is located on the passage of Hundjub near the border between China and Pakistan. ATM is located next to the highway.

Some of the oldest hours in the world are in the Czech Republic. Prague chimes were built in 1410. This is the third time in the world in the world and the oldest current hours

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Since 1965, glass balls are used to vote in the election gambia! Advantages: It is cheaper than listing of bulletins, it is difficult to fake and simplifies voting for illiterate people.

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Spain has a restaurant that works from the 1700s! It is even mentioned in one of the books of Hemingway

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Serbia is one of the largest raspberry producers in the world

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August 15 In the National Day in Liechtenstein, all residents have traditionally been invited to a party in the Prince Castle

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In primary schools of Armenia, chess are a mandatory subject.

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Kiribati is the only state located immediately in four hemispheres of the Earth: North, South, Western and Eastern

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Country Tuvalu earns a lot of money, renting its domain zone - ".tv"

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Canadian Transport Minister is Mark Garno, who was also the first Canadian, visited space

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Norway is a record holder in the number of medals won on the Winter Olympics - 39

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Skype was developed by Estonian programmers. Therefore, if not Estonia, we would not have Skype

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In the United Arab Emirates there are 2 popular reality shows, the purpose of which to choose the best poets

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In the country Bahrain has a building with 3 built-in wind turbines

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The deepest pool in the world is located in Poland

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One of the longest bridges in the world is in Kuwait

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Do not miss also 10 results of DNA tests, which surprised people and led to the emergence of incredible stories.

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