Microsoft introduced the platform inside the Teams for communication, training and organization of employees


It should help plan affairs, prevent emotional burnout and find "necessary" colleagues.

On the launch of the Viva platform told in the company. It combines everything you need to remote worker into a single solution directly in Teams, said Microsoft CEO Madella.

The platform consists of four parts - Connections, Insights, Learning and Topics. Each of them is aimed at improving work indicators - involvement, improvement of emotional state, learning and sharing knowledge.

Viva Connections is a personalized digital workplace, it allows an employee to communicate with colleagues, set tasks and access the resources of the company - internal politics, news and corporate communities.

Microsoft introduced the platform inside the Teams for communication, training and organization of employees 2028_1

The company promises a separate Connections application for PC, which will appear for public testing in the first half of 2021, as well as a mobile application before the end of the year.

Viva Insights will help employees prevent emotional burnout and competently use the time: plan work and breaks, distribute duties. Managers and managers can use data on the meetings of Teams or other services, such as ZOOM and Workday, as well as receive recommendations to improve the work of the team, said Microsoft.

Microsoft introduced the platform inside the Teams for communication, training and organization of employees 2028_2

Viva Learning combines all training resources available to the company, in one place - users can access courses from Microsoft Learn, Skillsoft, Coursera, Pluralsight, EDX, as well as their own educational materials of the organization.

Microsoft introduced the platform inside the Teams for communication, training and organization of employees 2028_3

Viva Topics uses artificial intelligence to create cards by category, for example, "projects", "products", "processes" and "clients". This will facilitate the search for the necessary information, noted in Microsoft.

Microsoft introduced the platform inside the Teams for communication, training and organization of employees 2028_4

The platform automatically creates cards with themes when employees work in Microsoft 365 and Teams - all the necessary information about documents, video and related experts are combined in them. You can also integrate information from third-party services, such as ServicEnow and Salesforce.

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