38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine


In Instagram-account of the journalist began to appear angry comments by his subscribers, perplexed, for what purpose he invited a woman to the program, who had previously allowed unlucky statements against Russia and "escaped to Kiev"

38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine 2028_1

Network users condemned the 38-year-old Boris Korchevnikova, the leading program "The Fate of Man", the broadcast of which is conducted on the TV channel "Russia 1", for an interview with Maria Maksakova, an opera executive and an ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. It is known that the singer was devoted to the whole two issues shown on the air on February 1 and 2.

38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine 2028_2

Maria Maksakova told the journalist about what she was experiencing because of the "betrayal" of loved ones. The revelations of the performer were perceived ambiguously. In Instagram-Account, Boris Korchevnikova began to appear angry comments by his subscribers, perplexed, for what purpose he invited a woman to an interview, who had previously allowed unlucky statements to Russia and "ran away to Kiev."

38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine 2028_3

In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, Maria Maksakova admitted that he came to the Russian Federation only in order to pass a forensic examination in the case of the embezzlement of elite real estate in the capital. According to the singer, her relatives "did not accept". Network users accuse Maxakov in "betrayal" and ask why it was necessary to "bring such a person to the central channel". Boris Korchevnikov's followers noted that the program for the first time a hero appeared on which "watching with contempt."

38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine 2028_4

I do not understand why from one thing that went somewhere, did I betray someone? Is I a military service? Maybe I need to write a travel sheets? How to free person, moves, to be with such a label? - Maria Maksakova, Opera Performer.

The singer added that her home and younger son were in Ukraine, and in order to establish relationships with his mother Lyudmila Maksakova, wrote a book. According to the opera performer, in the work, it stated "the whole truth". Maria Maksakova clarified that it was upset that her mother "joined the chorus of the cannibals", which arranged to her "betray."

38-year-old Korchevnikov outraged Russians by the release with the Maksakova returned from Ukraine 2028_5

We will remind, earlier, the "Central News Service" wrote that the opera singer gave a frank interview with Boris Korchevnikov, which caused anger and indignation among Russians.

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