Three ways of reproduction of asparagus. Choose anyone!

Three ways of reproduction of asparagus. Choose anyone! 20274_1

Thin needles-needles on fluffy branches of a saturated green color - like asparagus looks like. Refers to the Sparazhev family, perennial. The plant grows in the form of a shrub, liana or grass.

Easily adapts to the cultivation in any conditions. Ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. How is this plant multiplied, and what are the requirements for care?

How multiplies the plant?

In natureBirds that feed on asparagus berries will deal with its seeds for huge distances than help him spread. Quickly adapting to new conditions, the plant expands its agricultural area.

For example, the decorative South African species brought to Australia, America or other states of Africa so quickly caught up so that today they are considered weeds.

And there are cases when the plant occupies the area of ​​culture of agriculture. In this situation, the struggle of a state scale begins.

An exception is the wild view of asparagus, which is called "Stamava from a hundredth." This view is close to disappearance for their healing properties.

At home

We are determined usually in the spring division of the bush during a transplantation. An adult plant transplant every year, a young one - once every 3 years. You can also use the extension method.

Seed reproduction is also very effective. Seeds can be sowed any month. The main thing is that the soil with seeds has always been wet.

How to propagate: step-by-step instructions


Starting with the last numbers of February and ending in June, they choose cuttings for the reproduction of asparagus.

  1. We choose healthy cuttings with a length of 10 to 15 cm, which will easily give root piglets in a humid environment.
  2. Create them in spilled sand in the tank - 100 ml and cover the package to speed up the process.
  3. We set on a warm well-lit side concern, which will help get root pigs in a month.
  4. We constantly moisturize the soil so as not to sing and ventilate every day to avoid condensate and reproduction of mold.
  5. As soon as the cuttings give roots, transplant them to a pot with a finished soil.

The method of breeding tubers is the most worthy, as we get several ready-made plants at once with a good root system.

  1. We prepare new pots, on the bottom of which we embarrass the drainage from the ceramzit or rubble.
  2. Asparagus thoroughly shed, so that without damage to remove from the pot.
  3. Gently divide the plant into several parts, shed roots and remove damaged areas.
  4. Look at the prepared pots with drainage and sprinkle the nutrient soil.
  5. After the destruction, again shed and placing the pots in the half.
  6. During the month moderately water and do not make fertilizers.

Thanks to this method of reproduction, the asparagus is rejuvenated and retains the growing season.

Attention! Each plant should have healthy roots and a growth point is present. Seeds

If the seeds are purchased in the store, you need to pay attention to the shelf life. Good shoots give seeds collected on the eve from the bush and immediately planted. The only drawback is such seeds do not preserve the properties of parents if they hybrids.

  1. Seeds soak in warm water for a day or two, then uniformly decompose on a wet soil and pour out a thin layer.
  2. Cover with glass or package.
  3. Put in a dark place. Temperature of germination - 23 degrees.
  4. To avoine every day. Water by spraying. The appearance of shoots is 25-35 days.
  5. When the first leaflets appear, the lights add light.
  6. A month later, they dive into small pots, after 4 months - in the pots of larger size.

What problems may arise?

Asparagus does not tolerate direct sunlight, so the south side of the house will not fit for its cultivation. He feels perfectly in one of himself, so it follows it on the eastern and western windows.

The mooring of the soil, where asparagus is growing, can lead to the disease of the root system. Therefore, the plant is recommended to water into the pallet, aqueous water room temperature.

Subsequent care for young plants

The rooted new generation of asparagus needs feeding with liquid complex fertilizers. You need to carefully read the instructions to enter the correct dose. Fertilizers are made every two weeks.

For better effect, mineral or organic fertilizers can be alternate. And in the summer it is recommended a disposable avoidance of bird litter, which will provide the plant growth of young shoots. If you regularly spray the young asparagus "Bud" (1 grade of the drug on 1 liter of water), this will allow it to have a fluffy and bright crown.

Faded or yellowed shoots can be trimmed. It is also worth periodically to remove the barbed stems, they will not grow anymore. As a rule, trimming is carried out in the spring when the plant is transplant. And to transplant the young in a more spacious pot is required every year before reaching the age of 5-6 years and only after that you can relax a little and allow the plant to live in one capacity of 2-3 years.

Important! A healthy plant is not cut.

Asparagus pleases not only with its green crown and attractive needle foliage. This plant carries a favorable energy in the house. On the energy properties of the plant can be read in this article.

From the above, it can be concluded that the reproduction of asparagus does not require much effort. Observing all the recommendations, you can easily increase the number of copies of your favorite.

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