How to train a dog


The training of his dog is not only an effective way to get an obedient and balanced pet, but also strengthening relations with the four-legged friend. You just need to know the correct technique of training and stock patience to teach PSA to different tricks. "Take and do" will explain the rules with which you can painlessly teach a pet to fulfill 5 main teams and improve the quality of living together.

Fundamental rules

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  • Basic Dog Training Rule Such: You must reward that the behavior that you like, and leave without award the behavior that you do not like. You need to motivate the dog to do what you want, and make the learning process entertaining. Remember that the dog chooses one or another model of behavior, because it helps her get what she wants.

For example, if a dog asks for you to go, when you sit at the table, and at some point you give her a piece, she understands that this is the right way to achieve the desired one. Although, if you are annoyed begging, you needed to give the dog to sit and do not disturb you while you eat. When you finished lunch, you can give a dog a little treat as a reward for patience.

  • Decide what you want from your dog. Think of what behavior do you expect from a pet to organically fit into your lifestyle. Your goal is to understand what to teach the dog to make your shared life easier and more fun.
  • Your reactions must be consistent. It is important that all people who interact with the dog demonstrate the same reactions to its actions. For example, if you generally do not allow a dog to sit on the sofa, but sometimes you still allow and can even climb it for it, the dog comes to confusion and does not understand the main rule.

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  • Be a good boss. Keep in mind that you do not reward the behavior that you do not like is does not mean hurt, dominate or humiliate the dog. It is necessary to control the access of the dog to what she likes, whether your location, toys or delicacies.
  • If you do not like what your dog does, stop it immediately. Your dog is not able to trace the connection between the event and your reaction if the time is separated. For example, you play with the dog and she bit you slightly. Tell me "Ah!" To show you that it hurts you, and immediately stop the game. So the dog will understand that this action did not bring her joy.

Training tips

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  • Dressing lessons must be short. Dogs cannot concentrate on performing one task too long, so try to ensure that the learning sessions lasted at no longer than 15 minutes. Change the tasks so that the dog does not bother. Finish the lesson when the dog is still in a good mood and enjoys the process.
  • Always use the same words. Select words and expressions to give commands, and do not change them. They should be short and simple: "sit", "to me", "stand", "wait", etc. For your dog, the words "Max, let's go to the street" and "Max, walk" are not the same, so What if you are using them for the same team, it leads it to confusion and it feels discomfort.
  • Do not rush your dog. Training requires patience and time. Do not expect your pet will immediately execute the command. Move with small chains, do the dog regularly, be prepared for what you have to go back to return, if noted that the progress stopped.
  • Use a reinforcement that really motivates your dog. Dog preferences can change from time to time, it can cool down to the treats that previously loved. Remember that the situation in which learning is taking place, also affects the dog. For example, if you do at home, quite ordinary little delicacy. If you train a dog in the park, prepare something more impressive, as there may be many distracting factors.

Main teams

1. Sit

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  1. Take a treat in the palm and bring it to the dog's nose, so that she could feel the smell.
  2. Raise your hand with a delicacy over the dog's population. Wait when the dog will sit down. In this position it will be more convenient to reach a delicacy.
  3. When she sits, tell me: "Sitting!" - And give her a treat.

2. To me

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  1. Take a treat or toy and show the dog. Go from the dog to a few steps and tell me with enthusiasm: "To me!" Training this team is better to start indoors or on a fenced area near the house.
  2. Wait when the dog is suitable for you, give her a treat or toy, praise it.
  3. Gradually increase the distance between themselves and the dog.
  4. If the dog performs this team confidently, go to workouts on the street. Make sure that around is safe. You can use a long leash for training to be sure that the dog will not run away.

Call the dog with this team only when you are going to praise it. If you say "to me", and then read the pet for bad behavior, most likely, the next time he does not want to approach you. The same applies to the leash. If you call the dog only in order to fasten her collar to a leash, it all sooner has a negative association, and it does not want to respond to the command.

3. Lying

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  1. Start learning from a dog sitting. You should have a delicacy in your hand. Run your hand to the dog's nose, then lower it on the chest level and on the floor.
  2. The dog must follow the delicacy and eventually lie down.
  3. When the dog begins to go to bed without difficulty, add the "Lie" command when it feels on the floor.

4. Wait

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  1. Give the dog to the "Lie" or "sit" command.
  2. Hand show her the sign "Stop". Palm should be directed toward the dog.
  3. Wait a few seconds, say: "Wait!" - And praise the dog. Give her a delicacy while she lies or sits.
  4. Gradually increase the distance between themselves and the dog and waiting time.

5. It is impossible

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  1. Show the dog with a delicacy and hide it into a fist.
  2. At this moment, the dog will most likely try to get a delicacy made of palm. Patiently wait, nothing to say.
  3. As soon as the dog goes away from your hand, at least a couple of seconds, open the palm and let her take a delicacy. Praise your pet.
  4. Practice it regularly and when the dog starts to constantly move away from hand with a treat, add the command "You can not". After that, always give the treat and praise the dog.

As soon as your dog learns to leave a delicacy alone, the training can be complicated a little. One treats hide into a fist, and then keep on your palm. Tell me: "Cannot". If the dog is not trying to eat it, praise the pet and give him a pre-supassed delicacy from another hand.

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