Morning Digest KN: a deadly virus, cars of Kaluga officials and protests in Vorotynsk

Morning Digest KN: a deadly virus, cars of Kaluga officials and protests in Vorotynsk 20264_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

In the Obninsk hospital, the death of a patient intensive care was commented in the ravine

As we reported earlier, a strange incident occurred in Obninsk: a 47-year-old man fell into the intensive care of KB No. 8, however, later his body was found in the ravine near the hospital without signs of life. This was told about the colleagues of the deceased man, writing a letter to the editorial office of Obninsk edition. Name.

First, in the medical institution, the situation was not commented, but later the journalists managed to get a comment from FMBA.

"On the night of February 27-27, the patient of the FGBUZ CB No. 8 of the FMBA Russia left the resuscitation department, located on the first floor of the hospital surgical building. On what happened the leadership of the clinic immediately informed the police and relatives of the patient.

In the morning in the territory of the FGBUZ CB No. 8 of the FMBA of Russia, the body of the patient was discovered, which left the hospital department. The items are set, "the report says.

Despite the comment, it remains incomprehensible how the patient was able to leave the resuscitation department. Law enforcement officers also keep silence about this.

Who provides Kaluga officials by cars - the investigation of the KN

As we have already written earlier, more than 31 million rubles were spent on the transport service of the city administrator of the city administration of the city of Kaluga from the city budget and now another tender was declared, with the initial maximum cost of just less than six million rubles.

"Kaluga News" with the help of the service prepared a certificate of companies that won the previous tenders to secure Kaluga's governoons by cars.

LLC "Directorate for Official Urban Complexes"

Status: Acting

Registration date:

Authorized capital: 10 000,00 rub.

The average number of personnel: 14

Types of activity in OKVED: management of real estate for a fee or on a contractual basis

General Director: Shalaev Dmitry Sergeevich (on May 26, 2020)

Participants: Verkhovich Andrey Valerevich (100% / 10 000.00 RUB.)

Beneficiaries: Verkhovich Andrei Valerievich

With LLC "Directorate for Urban Complexes" in 2019 was Treidpro LLC

Status: Acting

At the end of last year, we published a terrible story of a resident of Tarusa Natalia O. She told about his 12-year-old daughter's death.

The other day Natalia received clarification from the Kaluga Ministry of Health in connection with the tragedy. With the permission of the woman, we share this information.

As reported in the official response of the Ministry, the specially established commission conducted an investigation into the incident and revealed a number of violations.

Violations, in particular, concern the conduct of medical records in the Trootse CRH. Thus, the certificate of emergency care did not contain a number of necessary information: there was no report of resuscitation activities, there was no time to introduce adrenaline, the time began expanded resuscitation, the connection time to the cardiomonitor, etc. Even in the time of the death situation, discrepancies were noted: one time was specified in the text, on the title page of the same card - another, the difference is 20 minutes.

In addition, the chief physician of the Tusk Hospital is suspected of the lack of attempts to resolve the issue of personnel shortages in the medical institution.

However, on the conclusion of the commission, the girl has already entered the reception office "in a state of clinical death with a negative forecast."

The cause of the death of a child, the physician called the acute respiratory failure, which developed due to coronavirus infection, with a number of complications.

"The shortcomings identified when providing medical care to the child did not affect the course and outcome of the disease," the Ministry of Health said.

As the "Kaluga news" told the mother of a deceased girl, the investigative committee is now engaged in the death of a child, an inspection is carried out. In addition, the Regional Ministry of Health promised to inform relatives, which sanctions will be applied to the head physician of the Tuskaya Hospital.

Protest in Vorotynsk against the recycling plant hit the federal TV

The Federal Channel of OTP (Public Television of Russia) made an eight-minute release on the protests of the village of Vorotynsk against the construction of a battery processing complex and batteries, which we have repeatedly wrote.

Issue under the heading "I have the right!" Made completely from the positions of the protesters by fixing, in particular, the opinions of some deputies of the Vorotny Council, which are also trying to prevent this construction.

A set of objections against construction, voiced by the authors of the roller standard for opponents of the plant. The complex will be too close to residential buildings and sections allocated for large families. Threat to water resources. Lack of environmental impact. Too high level of risk of waste. Beeeping why the plant is designed for 30 years.

"What will happen here when these 30 years will be held?", Local residents are disturbed. "I know what plants are. I served in the north, where there were the same plants. And here is such a strip on which nothing grows, "- emotionally explains the elderly man on camera.

Well, the main fear of local residents, voiced by the authors of the video, where is the guarantee that the factory does not happen a catastrophe, because of which all the surrounding areas will suffer? As a precedent, they refer to an accident in May 2020 in Norilsk. And the protest itself of the residents of Vorotynsk compares with similar performances of the residents of Sushes of the Arkhangelsk region, against breaking the neighborhood of the garbage trash.

On all or most of these concerns, the answers were already given during the online speeches of representatives of Rusatom, who answered the issues of the public about the plant. Recall, in particular, they argued that the emissions of their plant into the atmosphere would be less than that of productions already existing around the pumping.

It was also said that there would be no waste in the factory. That the complex itself will be based on European standards, and there have never been any serious disaster, and the plants themselves are built directly almost in the midst of residential buildings. That the 30th anniversary period specified in the documents is simply the minimum period of operation of the factory buildings, after which they need to be upgraded. That there will be no connection without holding public hearings and state environmental impact expertise.

In Orsstip they told about the new victim of coronavirus in the Kaluga region

In the Kaluga Operational Headquarters for Combating Coronavirus on Wednesday, March 3, reported another case of death in the region.

"One new confirmed case: a resident of the Lyudinovsky district of born in 1946," they told in the Overseas.

The total number of deaths of patients with Cake in the Kaluga region reached 261.

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