Helga furniture: Good gift of the left era


Why is the USSR Furniture I remember so warm? What is it - fashion for vintage or nostalgia for the past, in which, as in childhood, we never return to us? It is remembered, there was such an import cabinet "Helga" (the sample of cabinet furniture, in particular, the Soviet wall), where it was possible to store the dishes, and a bunch of different things. These cabinets were manufactured in the factory in the GDR, and they were called the female name, consonant with our Olga.

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Photo: Youla.ru.

Cabinet Right of GDR

In the 50s-70s of the last century, when the USSR was engaged in the development of outer space and developed a heavy industry, other Sottrants were trying to make a comfortable life. As a result of such efforts, high-quality practical furniture appeared, including "Helga" - a sort of sterling stervant, chest and wardrobe.

It was a miracle furniture! A large beautiful cabinet with a glazed central part, and on both sides of her separation with deaf doors. Here it was possible to store almost everything - you could only dream about this!

In the central part of the glass, porcelain figurines, beautiful dishes (Czech crystal, Gzhel, family sets) and other objects of family pride were exposed. The drawers stored different small beds from table silver to documents and underwear. The side sections were used as a full wardrobe: on the one hand, a rod for clothes on her shoulders, on the other - shelves for things (T-shirts, linen, knitwear).

Natural tree

For the manufacture of "Helga" used pine wood, and the deciduous washed of hardwood, predominantly nut and cool. There were also more expensive models impressive with their luxury: they were faced with an ebony tree brought from Africa and decorated with beautiful vensels like brass layout on glasses. The final stage was, of course, polished.

It is noteworthy that the time and fashion brought their adjustments to the design "Helga". Initially, the cabinet was slightly lower and he had legs, and at the beginning of the 70s they were replaced by the base. It was also such that the models began to give other names, "UTTA", for example. But as a result, all combined models - no matter, they are produced in the USSR, Romania or Poland - passed under the same name "Helga".

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Photo: Youla.ru.

Cozy retro furniture

Some sellers call this 60-year-old Soviet cabinet "Antique" or "old", although it is not. But this furniture is interesting to people who are passionate about the concepts of "retro", "Vintage" and all that is connected with this. Those who appreciate comfort, loves to surround themselves with charismatic things and follows the change in the world of interiors.

But now among the most popular directions in the design of Shebbi-Shik and Mid Century Modern, as well as the old Moscow style! And this means that the wardrobe of the era of the USSR is a good, from the solid tree - has a second chance of life.

To purchase such a wardrobe to the Soviet engineer accounted for almost a year to postpone his salary. And today "Helga" is much more affordable, and it is possible to find it on every Internet flea market. Now the symbol of the epoch can be bought for 15 thousand. And you can get it at all for free - it also happens.

The POST Furniture Helga: Good gift of the left era Appeared First ON blog of the furniture maker.

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