Kinheroi, which, it turns out, all the time were Zlodeniami


It is difficult to accept, but sometimes the favorite heroes may not be those who we used to count them. In this list, consider several "heroes", which pretend to be good, but come as real villains.

ATTENTION! Article of a humorous nature. And in it there are spoilers to the "iron man", "Titanic" and "King Lero"

1. Rose, Titanic.

Kinheroi, which, it turns out, all the time were Zlodeniami 20214_1

We will not say that at that fragment of the door there was a place for Jack (Leo Di Caprio). Let's spoke on the convention of the film.

The problem is deeper: the main heroine of the film, Rose, spoiled and spoiled selfish girl. For example: at first Rose agrees to marry the rich Cala to save his family from bankruptcy. And then she begins to deceive Cala, having met secret with Jack. It provokes Cael on an outbreak of anger, followed by cruel actions. However, the initiator was just Rose.

Later, when we see Rose in old age, she makes another selfish act: throws a diamond necklace worth 250 million dollars to the ocean! A romantic gesture, which in essence shows how much a narcissist ROUS.

2. Tony Stark, Iron Man and Avengers: Era Altron

Kinheroi, which, it turns out, all the time were Zlodeniami 20214_2

Philanthrop, say? In the first film, when we get acquainted with Tony, we see it as a rich weapon merchant, which is pronounced to terrorists. Of course, he is then dressed, and closes the division of his company that produces weapons. But why did the conscience woke up only when his weapon caused problems?

The second "villainsky" moment: in an attempt to please their genius, Stark does not think about the consequences at all. So, only his efforts appears villain Altron, who brought not enough trouble.

3. Mufas, King Lion

Kinheroi, which, it turns out, all the time were Zlodeniami 20214_3

We know little about him, this character tragically dies at the beginning of the cartoon. But we know that the guy he was a master's house, with a hard hand: Having established a tough social hierarchy and irrelevant rules in their possessions, the mufas promotes the principle "All equal."

But at the same time, for some reason I expels hyena into not fruitful lands, where they are waiting for hunger and suffering. All this looks like ... racism and class intolerance.

4. Films about Batman

Bruce Wayne is a billionaire! With his condition you can do anything. For example, engage in charitable work for the benefit of your city. And, using influence, correct the society from the inside, instructing the inhabitants on the way the righteous.

Kinheroi, which, it turns out, all the time were Zlodeniami 20214_4

Well, well, he wants to fight crime. Beat, smash, soar on a bat-rage. But why does his every step provoke an even more villain? In one of the cartoons, Joker tells Batman that they stand each other, because they are blinded from one dough. And if there were no Batman, then Joker would not particularly do anything. So a dark knight can be partly equated to the villains.

To be continued. Subscribe to our channel to see new "heroes, which were villains"

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