Terms of contracts of state defense order at T7 billion extended in Kazakhstan because of the COVID-19 pandemic


Terms of contracts of state defense order at T7 billion extended in Kazakhstan because of the COVID-19 pandemic

Terms of contracts of state defense order at T7 billion extended in Kazakhstan because of the COVID-19 pandemic

Astana. March 22. KazTAG - the deadlines for the execution of the state defensive order contracts (GOZ) on T7 billion extended in Kazakhstan due to the Pandemic COVID-19, the First Vice-Minister of the Industry and Infrastructure Development of Cairbek Oslezbayev said.

"Following the results of 2020, due to the emerging force majeure circumstances related to the pandemic, the deadlines for the implementation of the GOZ on the 10 contracts totaling more than T7 billion," said Ostorbayev, responding to the request group of Mazhilis deputies from the Ak Zhol faction.

Parliamentarians, referring to the request, noticed that it requires an industrial certificate for inclusion in the register of domestic suppliers.

"This requirement prevents the development of new types of equipment, since the certificate is issued only for previously produced, serial products. And make the first sample of a new expensive military equipment for the sake of obtaining a certificate of the enterprise cannot afford. In addition, adding additions to the registry should be no more than two times a year, "the deputies indicated.

They noted that "the rules do not provide for the procedures for changing the terms of contracts in the event of unforeseen circumstances, a changed economic or political situation (sanctions, embargo and so on)."

"For example, an untimely output of the government's decision on the approval of the state defense order, or delaying the authorized body of the choice of the Contractor, will automatically entail the shift of the contracts. But even this does not provide for the extension of their fulfillment - it is limited December 31, without the possibility of extension. In fact, the execution of the order is given a period of seven months without taking into account the complexity and complexity of production, instead of 11 months provided by law. The terms of the production cycles and supply of components associated with export-import and other permitting procedures are not taken into account, "said Majilismen noted by budgeting.

As Oscalebev explained, "the need for an industrial certificate is due to the fact that in accordance with Article 20 of the Law" On Defense Industry and the State Defense Order "for inclusion in the register legal entities are obliged to submit to the authorized technical audit authority."

"But a similar technical audit is carried out in the receipt of an industrial certificate, due to the rules of formation, it is envisaged that if the organization has an industrial certificate, the technical audit is confirmed by this document. In cases where organizations have military representation, technical audit is not conducted, but is confirmed by the conclusion of military representation. At the same time, the registry is formed in areas of activity (development, production, supply of aircraft, helicopters, ammunition and others), respectively, the provision of an industrial certificate for a certain type of production is not a limitation for enterprises in their further development, expanding the production of products by specialized industries, " - reported the first deputy head of Miir.

According to him, changes in the terms of contracts in the event of unforeseen circumstances are governed by the current legislation of Kazakhstan and are negotiated in the concluded treaties as force majeure circumstances.

"In cases of occurrence of force majeure, the prolongation of the timing is provided for the provision of relevant substantive documents," the acceleration assured.

Recall, on March 3, the deputies of Majilis reported that the association of enterprises of the defense and industrial complex (OPK) of Kazakhstan applied to the "Aқ Zhol" faction. According to parliamentarians, domestic producers are extremely outraged by the rules for the formation, placement and implementation of the GOZ and the rules of pricing on this products, as well as the proposed amendments to them. According to the enterprises of the OPK, "these requirements are deliberately directed against domestic manufacturers, and on the contrary, support importers of defense products."

"The events of recent years near the distant and neighboring neighbors clearly showed how important in modern conditions the presence of technological weapons and its uninterrupted production, when a relatively inexpensive modern means of defeat are able to turn whole units of expensive techniques in the piles of scrap metal," the Majilismen argued.

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