"Do not dare to approach even out of curiosity": As for schoolchildren and students, press up to the shares on January 23


Threats to deductions, unexpected exams and Curling during a rally.

In social networks, they are discussing how the management of schools and universities gives pressure on students so that they do not go to the action on January 23 in support of Alexei Navalny. News about the threats faced by students come from different regions.

TJ asked for their users to tell if something in their schools and universities, so as not to let them go to rallies. Somewhere students threaten the deduction, somewhere they ask to think about parents, there is even a college where they are satisfied with extracurricular games in Curling. We publish a selection of readers' stories and their screenshots separated by cities.

At the request of users, we do not specify their names, and in some cases - even the name of the institutions to not harm the sender. The editorial office has a part of orders who came to the figuring schools and universities. TJ sent a request to the Ministry of Education and Science with a request to comment on the case of pressure on students.


Miera's mouth - threaten deduction
RGU OIL AND GAS (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin - tell about employment difficulties

The text is subject to the text: "There are already a sad experience of those present on the inconsistent rallies of our graduates who are faced with difficulties in the device into large companies (denied employment). And according to paragraph 3.1.26 of the rules of the internal regulations of the student RSU of oil and gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin will be attracted to disciplinary responsibility at the university. We ask you to treat with understanding to the situation, with responsibility for yourself, your loved ones and the Gubkin University. "

Financial University under the Government - Dean advises to spend time preparing for exams
MAI - unexpectedly appointed a relief with the ability to raise the assessment


Gymnasium 622 - talk about the student who went to the rally and earned problems

"Forced to subscribe to a leaves that we are familiar with the foregoing, they fought a story of some student."

Parents frighten the fines
School 356 - strict control over visiting lessons

"So far somehow, there was no more particular conversations about rallies, although all the teachers hinted, or said straight that they would not accept the university if we would take part."

Moscow region

School first - on Saturday appointed sports events and exams

"Our eighth grader must be at the sporting event. The ninth and tenth classes came up with an exam or something like verification. If you can not appear - write a note that you are responsible for the life and health of the child. "

School second - during the rally will hold "Good Saturday"

"I work at school. On Saturday, we decided to spend a trial exam for 11 classes (there are orders). After the complaints of his parents were canceled. Now there will be only physical culture competitions and a sudden event "Good Saturday".

School of Three (in Balashikha) - Volleyball and Oratory

"In school on January 23, they suddenly decided to hold a bunch of events: from volleyball competitions to master classes on oratory art, visiting mandatory."

Fourth School - Construction of a Snow Town

"My brother-nine-grader just came from school and, according to him, they were" treated "today very much. In the morning of all the teachers, they were sharply called at a meeting, after which they persuaded the subsequent lessons "not to go about the highest power", "not to succumb to provocations" and "think their head." In the last lesson, they unexpectedly announced tomorrow - the construction of a snowy town (and this is at the end of high school!) And the "Challenge in Tik-Tok", while the lack of a child should inform the parents to the class teacher. "


RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia - Recommend not to go to the rally and ask for thinking about parents

"Dean in the group Starost calls a rally on January 23 unauthorized and asks not to leave comments in social networks, that is, not to give extra publicity. Also in one of the schools of Pyatigorsk, my younger sister, student class 7, was forced to sign some paper, where they took an obligation to not go to events on January 23 and threatened registration. "


32 School - frighten the "militarized detention"

"My brother is studying in the eighth grade, the city of Izhevsk, 32 school. Today, on January 21, 2020, the class teacher Rodionova Lyudmila Nikolaevna (she is also a mental classes) in the general parent chat in Vibere asked not to take part in the rally, scaring with administrative punishment and detention using weapons. Now my parents are concerned and do not want their children to take part in an unauthorized rally. "


Gymnasium 92 - After lessons on Saturday, everyone leaves for cool clock


State University - cadets threaten deduction

"They scare from the university for participating in the rally, despite the fact that our city is not so big, and the rally is likely to go not so many people. From this, it is even more fun to watch how management is afraid of his fifth points, because the rector and someone from the leadership last fall re-elected to the deputies of the city, went from "United Russia" and naturally won. Then all the cadets were forced to come and vote at the university regardless of the place of residence. "

On January 22, they announced that on Saturday, it would be possible to take relief.


College of Information Technologies at Kate-Kai - warn about provocations and arrange the game in Curling

January 21 in college unexpectedly announced Snow Games - Games in Curling and Laser Biathlon. Turning on competitions mandatory.

"Groups that have no lessons at this time, necessarily together with the curators should be at this event! It will be necessary to celebrate their students and send a photo report. "

KFU - TV shows about rallies

"On the TV channel of the Kazan Federal University, a whole program was held on what terrible rallies and what to go for them is not necessary in any way."

The leaders discussed that all the data of people are monitored ("Everything we do is persists"), mass accumulations of people "can lead to irreversible tragic consequences", and the organizers of rallies manipulate people.

Orenburg region

At school sudden school day

"In one of the institutions of the Orenburg region (or maybe not in one) put Saturday as a school day, despite the fact that on Saturdays we do not learn due to antique measures. We study in the second shift, as on weekdays. That is, at 14:00 to go for a walk will not work. All teachers splatter saliva, shouting about what we learn - I do not know how to respect them after this. The school day is going to skip. "

Norilsk University Management refers to Coronavirus

"Such messages began to send a day or two to January 23. Of course, it may seem that this is a concern for the health of students, but ... everyone understands everything. Norilsk remote city - I can not remember when any rally passed here last time. Now I can say for sure that some protest sentiment and thoughts reached even here. "


Conduct "educational conversations" with schoolchildren"The material is sent, they say, participation in the rallies of minors illegally. Methods through the group of teachers. With those who express their position, conduct an "educational conversation" at the director of danger on illegal rallies, sacred sacrifices that will bring. Be fightered that there may be provocateurs or terrorists. They say: "I don't need to be asked from above, why my employees go to rallies." "


Unforeseen lessons and consultations

"I am a high school student from Tyumen and, it seems, schoolchildren and students do not produce on January 23. Information about the lessons appeared very suddenly, literally on Thursday. Usually nothing on Saturday is happening. We have cold, so the lesson will be remotely, the class teacher asks for parents to ensure the presence of students in the lesson with the included cameras.

Lesson time - 13:00. A similar situation in the paralles of our school, our city, and, it seems, in a large part of the country. Both schoolchildren and students put lessons, consultations, control, which were not previously in the plans. "


Students say to go away with the form of protesters


Schoolchildren explain why participation in the rally is unsafe


At school threatened the deduction"In our school, they threatened the full deductions and the non-tech certificate at all. After the threat of deductions to sign the paper that we are familiar with this. In addition, they suffered a trial exam for tomorrow. The ninth and eleventh grades are passing in full-time at school. The rest are at home zoom. "


Bryansk State Technical University holds a festival with drawing prizes and soldier's porridge
Gymnasium 2 - Changes in the schedule

"We have Saturday and this is a training day, however, significant changes in the schedule were made. Lessons will be held in the schedule of Monday, coming one hour later and at the beginning put a class hour. Thus, if there are seven lessons in the schedule and sudden class hour, we finish at 15:05. On ordinary day, we would be free already somewhere at 12:00. "


School 82 - demand to report, where they will spend Saturday second-graders


Thematic Saturdays for schoolchildren"We have the gubeners in the five days, but once a month should be coming on the thematic Saturday. There were no few months, and today unexpectedly said that tomorrow from 13:00 to 15:00 (rally in Ufa at 14:00) Organly guided Saturday with a mandatory appearance, the absence is only permitted by illness or for other reasons that can be proved. But in different schools of the region, it seems different topics for Saturday. In general, it is stupid: from our village to Ufa 2 hours on the car, schoolchildren are extremely difficult to leave tomorrow for a walk, officials could not strain. "


UZGU - "Winter Fun"

Without regions

Parents of third graders warn about responsibility
University's management sends warnings
From the chat with the leadership of the university

To share your story about a pressure in school or university because of the rally on January 23, write to [email protected], in private messages TJ editor or, if you are not afraid to do this in public, in the comments to this post or in the subsidence "OFTOP "

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