Custom rollers and agitators. How "Zemersky" Tiktok has become a political tool

Custom rollers and agitators. How
Custom rollers and agitators. How
Custom rollers and agitators. How

Appearing in 2016, Tiktok turned out to be the first in a long time fundamentally new social platform. She broke into the tops of the downloads and became one of the main players of the market: large brands and celebrities go to the service, schoolchildren are crazy about favorite tictorals. And recently, Tiktok began to be viewed as a powerful political tool: it was used during the presidential race in the United States, and after the detention of Alexei Navalny in the Russian segment of the platform, a whole battle was launched between the "right" and "wrong" tickeners. It seems that Tiktok came for a long time, and little can compare with him much.

Why Tiktok became popular?

A couple of words about what everyone who wants to ask about 23-25, but he is shy, in order not to appear by the Zaradnoye Boomer: What is Tiktok? If you approach the question formally, then this is a social video service. In shape and essence, it is closest to Instagram and Vine. Users publish short rollers of the most different sense: entertainment, informative, scientific, and so on. Thanks to a truly powerful toolkit, even a complete amateur can create a completely wool roller - with spectacular transitions, superconducting and inscriptions, visual styles.

The first Tiktok launch is likely to be confused. The real example of the tape immediately after downloading Tiktok in chronological order: a fragment from the interview with a dudya, advertising a search service for cheap air tickets (well, yes, relevant to a pandemic), the guy shows a child focus with a glass of water filled to the edges, a girl talks about growing avocado at home The young man plays a scene with a girl a scene allegedly a funny family quarrel, two obviously asocial elements are preparing for a fight with shawarma. The tape is formed on the basis of the specified interests and previously liked video, however, the variety and "intentional chaos" is an important feature of Tiktok.


The power of the platform is in the deep involvement of users. For this, the application itself is trying, regularly reminding itself to the notifications. Content selection algorithms also work. Unlike most other social services, Tiktok is much less looped on the provision of the content of the people you are signed. The service is more about "Zalipalovo", not tracking the life of your friends, colleagues and idols, as in the case of Instagram or Facebook. Thus, Tiktok is not even trying to compete with them - he came on the other side. There is an endless ribbon of unknown rollers from unknown people, and for some reason it is very difficult to tear away from viewing. The focus is that interest keeps approximately such a thought: every next video will be more interesting than the previous one. Perhaps this can be compared with dating services: Swiles to the right and left of boredom kill time and do not require anything from you, so they capture attention.

Pandemic, of course, helped Tiktok: For one quarter of last year, the application downloaded more than 315 million times. Moreover, Tiktok fit into the home format even better than other services: In Instagram, the usual "homemade" photos are not particularly quoted, the top bloggers on YouTube are bothering with the expense-sense, and in the Tiktok an audience is not so spoiled - there is a fan, simplicity and natural in Trend. So, the threshold of entry below.

Dangerous Chelylandji

In Tiktok, hashtags are of great importance for which the Challenge type "who can repeat this" is grouped. If other services suggest a gradual development of the popularity of their account through regular placement of content and expanding the audience (plus advertising), then in Tiktok popularity can come spontaneously. In part, it causes users to be involved in the product and spend more time in Tiktok, shooting rollers are more active and more often.

True, Chellands have already led to not one death, although to blame for this bytedance will not work in any way: comments come up with and arranged users themselves, and the service moderators track potentially dangerous. But it is not always possible to cover them on time. From the fresh events - in Oklahoma, a 15-year-old girl died from an overdose by the drug, which, when used in large doses, allegedly causes hallucinations, and in Italy, a 10-year-old girl died during the Chellands, associated with a sophutting. Officials once again declared the need to control applications that children use. After all, the restriction in the minimum allowable 13 years is elementary: just specify another date of birth.

Among the Challenges, which led to serious injury, there were eating cinnamon and detergent for washing machines, the steps of a jumping person, a way out of the car while driving:

The electorate is already in Tiktok

Behind all these madness, serious people saw great potential to attract the audience to their side. So, the teams of Joe Bayden and Donald Trump quite actively used Tiktok to promote their candidates. Political technologists have long paid attention to the service. Katie Longmayer, one of the founders of the political organization 99 Problems, noted: "Generation Z listens to other people of the Z more than anyone else." Based on this, it was decided to attract the audience with the help of leaders of opinions and in popular among young people the environment - Tiktok. The Republicans, in turn, also drew attention to Tiktok, despite the fact that their candidate Donald Trump suspected the threat of national security and even put the ultimatum: to sell an American company or to leave the US market.

Blider Left supports Bayden, right - Trump

The work scheme is simple: the organization loyal to a particular candidate just started to cooperate with her bloggers suitable to broadcast the advantages of the candidate. Moreover, judging by the CNN material, the organization and do not hide that they paid to popular users of Tiktok for creating a certain campaign. However, they did not disclose amounts.

The BBC edition conducted an investigation and found out that many rollers in Tiktok with the criticism of Donald Trump and called a voice for another candidate were not marked as advertising. At the same time, the service policy prohibits political advertising, and the US Federal Trade Commission requires users to march advertising video - for example, hashned #ad. Tiktok moderators removed rollers, but by the time they had hundreds of thousands of views.

Another wave of custom video has already rolled this year in Russia. January 17, Alexei Navalny detained at Sheremetyevo immediately after his arrival from Germany. The opposition policy was taken into custody, he was accused of non-compliance with the requirements for the replacement of a real prison term for conditional. In Russia, the street shares in support of politics were announced in Russia, and another powerful trigger for society was the film-investigation of Navalny about the giant palace near Gelendzhik: it is argued that this is not a little residence of Vladimir Putin (Russian President later stated that he had no Relationship to the palace).

Bloggers in Tiktok began to publish a video with a call to support Navalny, going to the rally. The situation has reached the fact that Roskomnadzor demanded that the service remove the content, which calls for the participation in the "illegal mass events" of minors. True, it is not specified, how to determine, calls for a roller precisely a minor audience or already people aged 18+.

After the first rally, new videos began to appear in Tiktok, in which they began to criticize Navalny and explain why it is better not to go to rallies. The rollers were suspiciously similar: the same arguments (rallies were not agreed, it may be criminal responsible for participating, which will prevent you from finding highly paid work) sometimes even brought into the same order.

It turned out that the "Public Organization for Youth Affairs" through the stock exchange for tickers was looking for bloggers to create a video with the theses of the type "All this is tired", "there were few people", "tired of politics and navalny." The cost is quite modest: Bloggers from 10 thousand subscribers were supposed to 1000 Russian rubles (35 Belarusian), and if subscribers are at least 20 thousand, then the amount doubled. And first, the payment was higher, and the million chambers clearly offered much more impressive money.

Moreover, in Russia, this is not the first case of using Tiktok in campaigning purposes: last summer this has already been practiced during a voting on amendment to the Constitution. As in the case of Navalny, bloggers shared on two camps: Some urged to vote against the amendments, others. In the rest of the social networks, there were also similar posts, but Tiktok has an important advantage: the audience there is predominantly young, which makes it particularly valuable for political forces.

A few years ago, Tiktok was perceived by the usual timkiller. Now this is a powerful platform with an audience of a number of hundreds of millions desired for brands and politicians of young people. Surely the main battles for the electorate in the foreseeable future are unfolded in Tiktok.

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