"One stole, and the second stole. What is the difference in Lembergs and Navalny affairs?" Replies Rinkevich


The head of the Foreign Ministry of Latvia Edgar Rinkevich recently received a letter related to the courts over two opposition officials - a citizen of Latvia Aivsas Lembergs and a Russian citizen Alexei Navalny. "One stole, and the second stole. What is the difference? ", - Activist wondered. This letter and answer E. Rinkevich published on his Facebook page.

The letter is entirely: "Edgar, I respect you very much and, because I am a patriot of Latvia, very grateful to you for what you are doing for our country. But, tell me what is the difference between Navalny and Lembergs Affairs? One stole, and the second stole (court solutions). One in the opposition, and the second in the opposition. Maybe I'm not right, but why in someone else's eye I see, and in your own logs we do not notice? Why are we in the right, without evidence, to influence the decisions of the court of a sovereign state? Why are we so sophisticated striving to quarrel with the neighbors ??? "

But the response Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Edgar Rinkevich:

1. In the case of Alexei Navalny, there are two decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on the unreasonableness of solutions of Russian courts. Russia and Latvia are members of the European Council. And Russia, and Latvia must fulfill its decisions, but Russia does not do this, violating his obligations.

2. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons officially stated that chemical weapons were applied against Navalny. Russia did not investigate this fact, not to mention any involvement of involved persons involved. And this is also a violation of international law.

3. How much the case of Lembergs did not end, and the decision may be appealed (the 1st instance lasts almost 12 years), as a member of the government, so as not to influence the independence of the court, will not comment on it. However, a citizen Lembergs has the opportunity to use national courts, and then contact the ECHR. Whatever his ruling, Latvia will respect the ECHR decision.

4. We do not support the policy of Navalny or his idea. We are speaking for human rights for each individual and for compliance with international law. In this case, the law of citizen of Russia Navalny is violated (an attempt to murder, the lack of the results of the investigation, deprivation of the right to a fair court). The Latvian citizen Lembergs also has the right to a fair trial, which he can use, and uses.

5. Russia loves a lot to talk about human rights in the Baltic countries, but the situation with human rights in Russia itself is much worse (see reports of international and non-governmental organizations, ECHR business statistics). In this regard, I would advise first to pull the log from my eye before criticizing others.

In conclusion, not Latvia chose confrontation, and Russia. Already since the 90s, trying to influence our choice - participation in NATO, and in 2014 it occupied the Crimea and began aggression in the east of Ukraine, constantly affecting their neighbors. We are ready for dialogue and cooperation on issues where our interests coincide, but not in principle issues (our independence, democracy, the authorities of the law and human rights).

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