Siloviki in the middle of the night staged an assault on the captured monastery in the Urals and detained Schiigumen Sergius


Several dozen employees of the special services conducted a sudden surgery.

Siloviki in the middle of the night staged an assault on the captured monastery in the Urals and detained Schiigumen Sergius 20122_1

On the night of December 29, Sergius (Romanov) was detained in the Sverdlovsk Region, which in June seized the Central Ural Women's Monastery, overthrown and limited the entrance to the territory. This is reported by the local "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and TASS with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies.

Romanov was detained for interrogation, TASS interlocutor said. According to the agency, the reason was the Yutub-Roller with a call to the devotee "to die for Russia." According to the lawyer, Sergius, he was taken to the General Directorate of the Investigative Committee on the Sverdlovsk Region. The department officially does not yet comment on what happened.

As the lawyer noted, Sergius interrogated in criminal cases initiated under Articles 110 and 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The first is "bringing to suicide" (up to 15 years of imprisonment), the second - "falsification of evidence and results of operational-search activities" (up to four years).

In the evening, the supporters of Sergius, having learned about the coming arrival of security forces from Moscow, organized round the clock duty around the perimeter of the monastery. According to the parishioners, they received information about "provocative statements" about "preparing self-immolation acts in the territory."

The interlocutor of the publication told, the Commissioner for Children on the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Krokov, complained to the prosecutor's office. He asked to check in the monastery on the fact that Ex-Schimons teaches children to commit suicide.

Closer to the night several dozen security officials arrived at the monastery, including riot police officers. The police blocked the road: she had a queue from cars. In the monastery began searches.

In the community of pilgrims, they wrote: "The soldiers behave brazenly, the nuns hold the groups under guard. What the fathers are unknown. " Also in the monastery noted that the security forces allegedly removed from the gold icons. "One of the nuns had a fracture of the hip neck. Feldscher asked to free the passage from the passenger cars so that the ambulance could drive, "said" KP ".

One of the parishhes told that he tried to pick up a 13-year-old daughter from the monastery, but she was not allowed inside, despite the presence of documents. "They said that until the end of the investigative actions, I would not be allowed to the territory of the monastery. Asked when they end? They answered me that they did not know, "she told.

According to several publications, a supporter of Sergius and the founder of the KVN team "Ural dumplings", Dmitry Sokolov, is now located next to the monastery. He asked him to miss his territory of the institution, but he was refused.

Siloviki in the middle of the night staged an assault on the captured monastery in the Urals and detained Schiigumen Sergius 20122_2
Siloviki at the monastery. Posted by:
Siloviki in the middle of the night staged an assault on the captured monastery in the Urals and detained Schiigumen Sergius 20122_3
Siloviki in combat shange in front of the monastery. Author: "KP in the Urals"

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