The peacekeeping company returned to Kazakhstan from Lebanon


The peacekeeping company returned to Kazakhstan from Lebanon

The peacekeeping company returned to Kazakhstan from Lebanon

Almaty. 21 March. KazTAG - the fourth consolidated peacekeeping company returned to Kazakhstan from the Republic of Lebanese. On the eve of them, the fifth Kazakhstan peacekeeping contingent flew to a change to fulfill the mission as part of the UN Secretary Forces in Lebanon, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

"Today, the board with the fourth consolidated peacekeeping hometa of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan safely landed at the Almaty International Airport. Since August 2020, servicemen have performed tasks in the Indian battalion according to the UN mandate in Lebanon, "says Sunday.

As clarified, the mission management, foreign colleagues and observers have repeatedly noted that Kazakhstan's servicemen have established themselves as responsible and highly qualified specialists.

"Your professionalism is highly appreciated by the leadership of the UN Temporary Power in Lebanon. With its conscientious service, a high level of combat training, you have demonstrated not only to your compatriots, but the whole world is a vivid example of patriotism, a high organization of service and preparedness. Participation in the mission of peacekeepers from Kazakhstan is of great importance for strengthening the authority of our country in the world community, and you have contributed to this huge contribution, "said Major General Kanyush Abubakirov, commander of Major ABubakirov.

It is noted that on the eve of the evening in Lebanon flew the fifth peacekeeping contingent. All servicemen passed careful selection. Given that it will have to serve peacemakers in a hot climate, in the face of a sophisticated sanitary and epidemiological situation, special attention was paid to the state of their health, moral and psychological sustainability and compatibility. An important selection criteria are physical preparedness of servicemen, knowledge of English, as well as the experience of their service in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

"Before diploma, the personnel was on quarantine for one month. Two days before departure, PCR testing was carried out. Kazakhstanis will deflate on one of the South Lebanon Unifil bases on the border with Israel as part of the Indian peacekeeping battalion. Every day, by our peacekeepers, together with Indian "blue helmets", there are about 50 tasks, including patrols of the terrain, the organization of observation posts, checkpoints and participation in other mission events, "will be summarized.

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