Anna Semenovich spent the day under the droppers: what happened to the singer after the holidays

Anna Semenovich spent the day under the droppers: what happened to the singer after the holidays 20116_1
Photo: Joinfo Anna Semenovich

The well-known Russian singer and actress Anna Semenovich spent several days in the Turkish city of Istanbul, where he rested along with the younger brother. But the vacation is over, and the performer returned home. However, the joy of recreation overshadowed a health problem. Why the artist had to go all day in bed all day, recognized

Anna Semenovich complained about health

In the personal microblogger in Instagram, the ex-soloist of the popular group "Brilliant" often tells with numerous subscribers about their saturated life. Anna shares bright photos, touching memories and leisure moments. Therefore, about the problems with the health of the singer decided to tell the network.

Anna Semenovich spent the day under the droppers: what happened to the singer after the holidays 20116_2

"Favorite, I returned from the holiday. True immediately managed to choose and yesterday lay under droppers" (here and then the spelling and punctuation of the authors were preserved. - Editorial note), "Semenovich complained.

The performer admitted that he now feels much better and is ready to start work. According to Anna, it is very important for her to be busy, otherwise it becomes boring.

The singer supplemented the post of a bright photo on which it was captured in a beautiful red dress with a large cut and a black corset belt.

The publication of the artist caused anxiety from her fans. Network users wished Meanovich good health in the future, and also noted the beautiful image in which she appeared in a new picture.

"Anna is unreal cool photo !!!", "Recovery", "fiction !!! Girl dreams !!", "Very cool photo and cool you", "You look so cool", "Anna, kind well-being and a good day" "Fantastic photo!" The umbrella is missing, would be like Mary Poppins, "Oh, what a fiery lady," "What are you beautiful!", "Anya, Sunshiko, recover soon," the singer fans write.

Anna Semenovich spent the day under the droppers: what happened to the singer after the holidays 20116_3

Earlier, health problems arose at Lera Kudryavtseva. TV presenter felt bad directly on the set and was taken to the hospital. After the star revealed the causes of hospitalization on the network.

Photo: Instagram / Ann_semenovich

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