Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEW Tomatoes correct


    Good afternoon, my reader. March and early April - an ideal time for sowing tomatoes to seedlings.

    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEW Tomatoes correct 20112_1
    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEE Tomatoes Correctly Nelya

    Tomato seedlings (photo used by standard license ©

    For each area, seed sowing is seed. The most affordable way of their definition is 50 days from the average date of the end of spring frosts or from the average annual duty of soil warming in the greenhouse. The temperature in a closed greenhouse should be established stable, permissible 15. It turns out that for the middle strip of Russia is mid-May, in the open ground - June.

    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEW Tomatoes correct 20112_2
    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEE Tomatoes Correctly Nelya

    We grow seedlings of tomatoes (photo used by standard license ©

    How responsibly you approached the sowing of seeds, you will have so good seedlings. Observe the following rules, and you will be glad to our plants:
    1. We are preparing special landing boxes - it can be wooden boxes, plastic containers or peat pots.
    2. Soil mixture - you can buy a special soil for tomatoes or prepare so much by taking peat, compost and opilled in proportions 3: 5: 1 or mixing the humus, squeeze ground and river sand.
    3. Spill soil with warm water well.
    4. Make the wells and place the seeds at a distance of 5-10 cm each other.
    5. Selection seed - buy in specialized stores or shopping centers. Before planting, lower them in salty water. Those that surfaced, empty, remove them. Space those that donkeys on the bottom.
    6. We cover the boxes with a film, after 2-3 days the first shoots will appear, and the shelter can be removed.
    7. Water seedlings in the morning or in the evening, moderately, excessive watering can lead to rotation rot.

    2 weeks after the appearance of germs in the phase of the first real sheet, we carry out platforms. Do not forget to pour them before that. Many gardeners do not pick seedlings, considering it an excessive spending time. Piking has both pros and cons. Each gardener is entitled to make a decision he himself, how to do with his seedle.

    Mandatory stage of work on the care of tomatoes. It should be held a week before the dive, i.e., when the first real sheet appears and 14 days after the dive. So those who do not plan to conduct a pickup, wait for real leaves.

    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEW Tomatoes correct 20112_3
    Strong seedling is a good harvest. SEE Tomatoes Correctly Nelya

    Tomato Care (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Currently, there is a large number of liquid solutions for feeding tomatoes or vegetable crops. You can apply any. There are also organic and mineral fertilizers. It all depends on your desire and opportunities. The tool must include all the necessary trace elements for seedlings. Just dig it according to the instructions and ready. If you do not trust goods from garden centers, prepare yourself.

    Tomato seedlings at the age of 45-50 days is considered good if it is not higher than 35-40 cm. On the stem to 9 of the present leaves. Well, if inflorescences are in the bootonization stage and have not yet blocked. Then the survival rate will be easier.

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