Poetess Masha Rupasova announced a new children's collection of poems about emotions

Poetess Masha Rupasova announced a new children's collection of poems about emotions 2009_1

The book can be useful not only to children, but also parents

Masha Rupasova is working on a new children's book, which refers to various emotions. This poetess reported on his Facebook page.

Rupaasov explained what the collection of the collection is: "In parallel with the main book (about anthropology), I am writing a book of poems, where children's feelings and emotions will not make rose, no. Here, if neither over the insults, I will not laugh at the "whims". " The name for the book is not yet invented, since the work on the project just started.

The poetess added that four poems about different kinds of anger were ready, and published one of them in the post:

"Masha, Masha, how are you?

Masha poured water!

And now on it


Anger from Masha - lasts,

Lasts ...


Masha is toggle - foot!

Masha is tolete - another!

Beats palm on the table.

Angry, lying

On the floor!

That's what evil anger!



Mom came to Masha,

Mom Masha hugged:

- It's nothing,

That anger

Stretches and stretches! ..

Anger will get and passes,

And Mashane

Will remain. "

In the comments, users supported Rupasov. Many noted that they need such a book very much.

"How old is it and beautiful. Recently plunged into the shameful waters of Soviet children's poetry, about the "dirt", "panties" and "yaklock". From which we grew, hard to read, "one commentator expressed her opinion.

"Very good!!! From the face of children's psychologists I tell you a huge thank you! " - thanked the other.

"Suddenly I remembered how 5-6 a summer son told me my consolations (honestly - already irritated)" So, my mother, you don't need to say anything! I need to cry, do not bother! " - Shared the case from life about this is another customer.

Some noticed that the poems of Rupasova have the therapeutic effect not only for children, but also on their parents.

The first collection of poems Rupasova "The old woman feels" came out in 2015 and became a bestseller. In 2020, the poetess released a book for the smallest called "Sorry, porridge at home?" Masha Rupasova also writes children's non-Fikshn books, and in 2019 put children's audio "when the towers were small."

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