Remember the series "The Kingles - Hanging Bird? Tell me what kind of bird

Remember the series

The main heroine of the series "The Korolev - Poultry Poultry" named Feride in childhood was a restless child, always ready for pranks. For such behavior, she received the nickname of the king, in honor of the same as a long bird. Let's get acquainted with this feathery closer.

The kings live in coniferous forests of North America, Asia, North Africa and Europe. Birds who chose Makaronsey, settled evergreen deciduous forests and heather thickets.

The bird is small, length from 8 to 11 centimeters and weighing only 8 grams. The gray-green feathers are decorated with black and yellow stripes on the head, wings and tail. A little yellowish color scattered on the sides and back.

Remember the series

The Rabble has a thin beak with concave edges, and its nostrils cover hard bristles or feathers. On the fingers of the paws there are faded pads so that the bird is comfortable to grab the branches. Do not fall from there helps the rear finger with chain claws.

Due to the small size and extremely fast metabolism, the king is forced to constantly eat something. Food is a charge of energy for birds. If it is hungry for about 20 minutes, it will lose the third part of its weight. Without food, Pernation will die in just an hour.

Therefore, the king is constantly looking for insects, collecting them from the ground or trees. He eats, even when he cares for a partner or builds a nest. And make a nesting - the task is not the lungs. It is necessary to choose moss and lichen, copp their web and hang on the branch. Yes, so that the nest was hidden from the curious eyes of predators.

Remember the series

It is necessary to pay tribute to the Rubber: Despite the fact that he is engaged in two important cases at the same time, his home is accurate, in the form of an almost perfect sphere. Additionally, the bird sweeps the bottom of the nest of wool and rugs. They also closes the entrance to the nesting, so that it was warm inside.

In such cozy sorry, the female lays 7-12 light eggs, sometimes covered with small dark stains. So that they all fit in a small nest, they have to lay layers. To warm up all the masonry, the poultry of Sheburtis in it with its warm legs.

Interestingly, eggs have a kolka of different sizes: pending the first noticeable "later". The chicks hang out after a half months, appearing in turn within 2-3 days. The native nest of the kids leave in 20-25 days.

Remember the series

While the chicks of the Kolka live in the nesting, they care for each other. The kids who have already attempted, fall at the bottom of the nest and pushing up hungry. They do it carefully so that no one is frozen.

Perhaps Feridee from the series "The Korolev - the Hanging Bird" is similar to this bird not only as much as possible. She, like the chicks of the Korolka, is always ready to come to help close.

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