"Long-long legs of apeximova" - Zudina scary jealous tobacco


Oleg Pavlovich's wife confesses - over the years she became wiser

Marina Zudina, Oleg Tabakov, Top100ru.com

Marina Zudina visited the transfer of the "fate of a person," where she shared memories of the famous wife. According to the actress, at first she was strongly jealous of Oleg Tabakov to other students.

After all, it does not work for the whole life to remain the youngest - her course completed training, and the director scored new young girls. As Marina remembers, each was beautiful in his own way, but the legs of Irina Apksimova simply did not give her rest:

I was very jealous of him. Oleg Pavlovich dial every four years. At first I was the youngest, and then we finished. I went to another course, and then another course. And, for example, Irina Apksimova had such a thin waist. And long-long ballet legs. I just didn't give me peace

However, Zudina does not deny that the husband never gave her a reason for jealousy. In addition, she realized that even the most beautiful appearance has not much importance as it is customary. More importantly, energy emanating from man:

With age, I understand that not the length of the legs, not a cute beautiful face, not the age of such men does not affect. There is this concept of individuality. Here is this fire inside, the energy that comes from a person. It turns out more and matters than the picture. With age, I became calm. The circle to whom we could jealous each other he was all the time

I must say, Oleg Tabakov was married when he met Marina. For the sake of a young beautiful student, he left the first family. But they played the wedding only 10 years later. Marina presented her husband of two children - the son of Paul and daughter Masha. The actress looks good for his years. From time to time, they are attributed to novels with different men, but the actress itself assures - the heart is still fully love for the leaning from the life of Oleg.

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