20+ people who in childhood understood that money from the sky do not fall


Adults every month receive salary, and there is nothing unusual. But even many of those whose income today is large enough, with tenderness remember the moment when they earned the first money. For some, it was hard work, for others - a successful confluence of circumstances, but one thing is invariably: the memory of such a significant event remained for life.

Adme.ru is sure: any honest way to earn hon retaining. Today, we gladly plunged into the memories of the network users about how they got the first money.

  • The first earned money bought Mama "Zaporozhets". Almost. After the 2nd or 3rd, the parents sent me for all summer to the pioneer camp. And there is a terrain, and us, October and pioneers, dug up on the housework help - a couple of times a week, the Christmas tree is spinning. For summer about ₽ 200 earned. I come - and there mom will be sad: a colleague sells his car in ₽ 750, and we have only ₽ 600. Well, I took a wide gesture from the pocket of the chervonians, it blurted out: "On, buy your car!" It seems that this day Maman first gray appeared. © Squirrel / Adme
  • I helped a neighbor-farmer to drive the sheep to the field. Riding them with his dog breed Collie, I felt God. © Forgot_Her_password / Reddit
  • At the end of the distant 90s, I had a good job with my "skill" to draw. I was presented with a set of gel pens, 12 colors. I tried to draw temporary tattoos on a girlfriend - beautifully. And if you cover on top with a transparent nail polish, it was enough for a day, or even two. Everything! I became a steep tattoo master of local bottling: Girls went to me, boys - the whole distillence of the spells of cartoon characters, flower, cars, icons. Prices began from ₽ 1. The most expensive was ₽ 15 (this is the price of Snickers). The money flowed the river, I was successful. As long as I did not draw on the nails. God, here were money! ₽ 10, ₽ 15, ₽ 40 for licking tiny roses. Girls came to me and even adult aunt. I was inimitable, known, rich. Parents were encouraged, and the handles are cheaper ... And my business slowly disastened to the rivers and new-fashioned stickers on the nails. Eh, there was a time! © Prohorlinna / Pikabu

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  • First work - years in 14. There was a model. Mother worked as an accountant at Torgash Dublinok and fur coats. I was photographed on booklets, where in the role of a child stood in different fur products. I had boots on a 20-centimeter platform and a horse high tail to the loin. Then I considered myself unrealistic cool. I remember, I stand so in the pavilion and I think: "I am already cold in this cool mink coast after 20 minutes. How are people in this go? " Then the same man worked as a promoter - distributed advertising booklets. Having stood in the cold near the metro - ₽ 300 received. It was pleased as an elephant. © Catherine / Adme
  • At the age of 16, I worked in a local furniture store - dealt with delivery. We had two old cars, on which we delivered furniture. Every day was an adventure! All for the royal payment of $ 2.1 per hour. © Braxton Nelson / Quora
  • At 10 years old I had the first earnings. I went to the market to sell my hamsters, whom an incredible amount was broken. On the eve of my mother, they bought them with shampoo, and they were soft and "silky". For one morning I sold on a third of my mother's monthly salary! And someone can say hamsters useless animals. © Natalya Benechnikova / Facebook

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  • My first work is a nurse in kindergarten. July, Heat, 1977. I switched to the 8th grade. 2nd younger group. Only the toilet works on the drain, but there is no water supply. It was necessary to carry out of the pool on the street on the 2nd floor of water and fill the tanks. It was hardly necessary. Monthly salary nanny - ₽ 72. Mom added another ₽ 10, and I was brought from Leningrad Austrian winter boots! Do I need to tell that all my girlfriends really wanted to touch them or try? Mom was called to school because of these boots, but she defended my right to wear them: "The child earned. And I could swim all day and sunbathe on the Volga! " I think the right thing was to install the parents: "You want something - earn!" © Viktoria Solomova / Facebook
  • My first work was in packing products in the supermarket and delivery of carts for shopping from the parking lot. Paid $ 4.45 per hour. It was in 1991. I worked for 7 months before the college. © Scott Biddle / Quora
  • I worked as a postman, spread newspapers and letters. The bag was inexperienced, and I grow 153 cm. On the money earned, Mom bought me gold earrings and ring. I was 13 years old. © Maria PuChek / Facebook

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  • My very first job was to collect cucumbers in the Washington States in the summer, when there was no school. God, it was such a hard work! 1998, I am 10 years old. In order not to spend all day under the scorching sun, it was necessary to start at dawn, at 5-6 in the morning. They collected these cucumbers, bent into three deaths, in high gloves on their hands, all shoes in the mud ... This experience taught me a lot. In particular, I realized that I don't want to do this all my life and what I'd rather go well at school or be diligent in something else. © Chris Robles / Quora
  • I strig the lawn for an elderly woman every two weeks in spring and summer. For each yield, she paid to me $ 40. At 12, it was a real jackpot. © Biscuitcooki3 / Reddit
  • In the 9th grade in the summer I worked one month with a cleaner. And laughter and sin. I washed 2 floors, but I thought that if you add more powder into water, then it would be cleaner. Washed and decided to get around the floor to test her work. And ashounted: the whole linoleum was white. I had to vouch. Received ₽ 80. I remember boried burgundy sandals for this money. © Valentina Shuvakina / Facebook

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  • In elementary school (1991-1993), parents bought a miracle - a two-tape recorder Hitachi Malaysian production. What was the coolest? Ability to record from cassette on the cassette. I started with writing classmates trendy then Ace Of Base and Dr. Alban for liners. And then, when they began to ask from other classes, I began to record for money. Next - more: I bought clean cassettes and began to sell them with a record cheaper than in stalls. Sold so pieces 30. Enough on a bunch of sweets and on a steep transformer robot. In school, naturally, they learned, and there was a scandal: nevertheless the teachers were still thought of the Soviet categories. I was trying to "work out" on the pedset. However, dad asked: and where, in fact, a ban on such entrepreneurship? And there was no such ban. Therefore, it turned out to be presented as it were. © BEAR84 / Pikabu
  • After the 7th grade was practice: a month on a porcelain factory. All the girls were interchangeable (climbed seams on products after they pulled out those of the forms). 6 hours of sitting on site not for me - asked for boys by a loaf. We worked for a month - salary ₽ 100! I still remember your face when I gave them to my mother, - the face of the breadwinner. Mom worked as a teacher, somewhere ₽ 120 received. © Galia Shpinana / Facebook
  • When I was 14, I soap dishes in the restaurant where breakfast served. I was so happy to earn $ 250 every 2 weeks! I would like life again was so simple. © SpaceBasskilla / Reddit

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  • We were asked to glue three-dimensional geometric shapes. Who will not bring - to that 2. Well, we glued with each other, and I suggested to do yet. He asked why. And I said that, most likely, everyone will forget and not to get 2, will be ready to buy. We glued a lot of these figures - it turned out 4 packages. And we did not lose. Indeed, almost no one cleled anything, and our figures diverged like hot cakes, one ₽ 50. Then a few more days we glued them for those whom the teacher gave a delay, and for parallel classes. I never had easier money in my life. © Suslikoy / Pikabu
  • My daughter was fond of beads 5 years ago. Bought her a large box of multicolored beads and rubber bands. Every day we watched how she honors his skills, but somehow I won the moment that her old products began to disappear somewhere. Six months later, it causes us to school class (2nd class) and says: "Forbid, please, daughters sell your bracelets to students. In our school, entrepreneurial activity is prohibited. " It turns out that she sold his bracelets on ₽ 15-30 (the price of buns in the buffet). Things 2 every day, although we gave her money on the buffet. But the most strange thing is that its main client was a chubby boy from the class, the mother of which was coming. Of course, we talked with my daughter. Eh, such an entrepreneurial custody, I feel, threw it! © Vereshch / Pikabu

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  • My first job was in a cafe, I worked there for about 3 months. I was then only 15, and I was very excited about that I could finally earn my own money. © Devilsmurf69 / Reddit
  • I earned my first money for 10-11 years - grown green onions. The parents had a familiar who ruled the store. So he gave them an obscure "repank", and I planted her in the jars on the windowsill and watched enough water. After a couple of weeks, they handed over to the store. I grabbed a couple of chocolates, but these were my money. And then trading on the market, first together with my sister, then alone. There were 23 apple trees in the garden, plus pears, cherry, currants. In one day, I was collected all at the cottage, and in the second - sold. Drove into the city in the morning dad, and returned by a flight bus itself. I remember, in 1998, in August earned more mother's salary. This was proud of incredibly! Himself to school gathered: shoes, shoes, skirt and blouse. Parents were also satisfied. © Julia Pill / ADME
  • I worked for a nanny at the age of 13. I left a 5-month-old girl - then I was delighted. For a couple of days they looked at me, and then I left alone with her and almost every day with her was found. She called me mom. © Angelina Ivanova / Facebook

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  • 1990. I am sent for the summer to the great-grandmother under Volgograd. While I was driving into the village, I saw portraits of Lenin and Stalin under the trucks under the windshield - the fashion was such. In general, the photoveliver, the camera, 3 packs of photographic paper first. Portraits of leaders in a great-grandmother on the wall and their photocopies made by me. The village stood on the highway, there was a refueling with the dining room - the place is popular. And here I got up and one ₽ 3 I sold a photo. Pakhal, like dad Carlo. When I returned home, my parents found me more than ₽ 12 thousand salary at the officer's father was about ₽ 300, at the mom-accountant - ₽ 180. We decided to put the entire amount on the book to make money to my majorize me. I left me ₽ 100 "on ice cream", and father, apologizing, bought himself a motorcycle in the garage. The rest put on my name. In 1990, Yeah ... I am now a photographer. © Tororom / Pikabu
  • My first real work is a treasurer of trees. The snow in those winter had a lot, and before the marster was taken to throw a tree, I had to shovel to dig it in a circle, otherwise the fines are big for high stumps. Lifting at 4:00, at 5:00 am bus, and we go for a whole hour in the forest icy road to hell on the cake. They came to the dowelly. The stove, tea, and ran with a shovel, Already the spin was wet, tried. But lunch - from the Puz, so tasty and for free. From work will come - and Kuwark sleep. As they say, no friends, no cereal. A month of such work, and acquired a dream - a cassette tape recorder "Rus". And about the work remained the most pleasant memories. Youth ... © Igor B. / Facebook
  • After the 8th grade, they sent to work in a collective farm for tattors for 2 weeks. Sun, river, freedom! Earned ₽ 14. I bought a fabric and myself sewed myself a jacket. Happy was! © Irina Kulikova / Facebook

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  • In the 90s, being still small, was trained with a grandmother to produce door curtains from clips and postcards. For a fairly short period of time, I translated almost the entire collection of grandmother postcards on this matter. All doors in the house were hung with these curtains and there was nowhere to go. And somehow I did the offer from the rural store to make them such curtains: as far as I remember, 1 strip of the curtains - ₽ 1. Here I realized that it was profitable. The store was "delivered" the party of the curtains of rubles so on 200. My curtains decorated the entrance to the store, shielding trading premises from flies. Fortunately there was no limit, sweets were rapidly, and the curtains pleased the eye every time I came to this store. They kept right all summer. © UFanext / Pikabu

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