Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day


Soviet district is one of the most popular travel places in the Kirov region. Here is very beautiful and unusual for our edge nature: there are waterfalls, caves, rocks, rivers, fields and forests. It seems logical seem to go here in the warm season. Even from the residents of Sovetsk, which we met during the trip, more than once the phrase sounded that it was necessary to look at all this beauty, of course, in summer. But we categorically disagree. Soviet in the snow is beautiful and accurately deserves the attention of travelers. And the coupons are 40 liters of gasoline from the gas station "Movement", which we have been hidden by tradition during the trip, is another reason to go to the Soviet area.

How to get

From Kirov to Soviet 140 km, it is about two hours in the way. The route goes through the pertiliate, but we went to the backup and Yaransk. On the way, very beautiful species are often found: high ate in the snow, snow-white fields without edge. You have to overborn yourself so as not to stop every 10 km for the sake of pictures in instagram.

We decided to fill the car in front of the trip in the city, at the gas station "Movement" in Moscow, 110: on the road back and back and movement on the route we had enough 20 liters of gasoline.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_1
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_2
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Here we took on the road delicious fresh donuts with filling, hot dogs and a cup of fragrant tap mulled wine for mood.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_3
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_4
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_5
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Temples and centenary calans for the project Charushina

Most of all in Soviet we wanted to see the Shrek's hut - a huge green rim from the DreamWorks studio. She was built quite recently, in the fall of 2020, and therefore few people had time to visit there. If you plan a journey at the weekend, to get into the hut, you need to negotiate with Andrei Vdovenko in advance. This is a teacher of the Savod Leschoz-technical school in Soviet. He together with his students built the house Shrek and now spends excursions there for tourists. Meet Andrei Vdovenko We agreed at 13:00, arriving in the city for an hour and a half earlier, decided to take a walk.

Every our journey does not work out without a visit to the churches. In Soviet, their two: the church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. While we had time before the excursion, we decided to look at both temples, and even on an unusual fire calant and Smolents Spring.

The Pokrovsky temple was built at the beginning of the XVIII century. This is a small church of the brick, which is discouraged by a stone fence with a very beautiful main entrance. It is located in a quiet place on the outskirts of Soviet next to the cemetery (Caltomic st., 1). From an architectural point of view, this is an example of beautiful Russian architecture. The main temple is associated with a bunk tent bell tower, topped with a high cone-shaped dome. The external decor is rows of decorative kokosnikov and carved fittings on the windows.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_6
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_7
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

The Assumption Church is closer to the center - on the street. Malkova, 9. This is an octal type building on the fourthics with side adhesives, a refectory and three-tier bell tower. The temple was built in 1787-1793 and completely reconstructed in 1863-1867. We advise not to be shy and go inside, there is very good, especially on a sunny day: light, quiet, warm and cozy.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_8
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_9
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_10
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Another interesting architectural facility is a fire cilaplan that is located in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal significance. It looks very unusual: false fittings, red bricks in combination with white decor, openwork balcony and metal spire.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_11
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_12
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Calancha was built in 1905 on one of the main squares of Sovetsk for the project of the famous Vyatka architect Ivan Charushina, who in that period of creativity was fond of neo-man.

Calancha is installed on the building of the acting fire unit. Its height is 28 meters. Now from the calanci removed the bell and installed it on the bell tower of the Assumption Temple. The bell was cast in 1880, its weight is 11 pounds and 18 pounds, that is, about 190 kilograms.

From Calanci we went to Smolentsevsky Spring. Here, the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God was revealed and the source began to be considered holy. The Spring has built a wooden chapel, but in Soviet years it was dismantled, in this place they opened the laundry. Later the building was restored, and now the locals and travelers come here to gain water from the source.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_13
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

In this place, in the left outer corner of the building of the building, we hid the bottle with coupons for 40 liters of gasoline from the gas station "Movement".

Even before the trip to Shrek's hut, we managed to walk to the local history museum, which was open at the weekend. On the excursion, we did not go, but you can look there. There is a Division of Nature, the area of ​​history of the region from the first settlements to modern days, ethnographic and numismatic collections. Especially interesting exhibits - icons made for the Assumption Church in Slobod Kucker (the old title of Soviet) by the Polish artist Elviro Andriolly, who was exiled for participation in the Polish uprising of 1863. Museum address: ul. Malkova, 6.

Next to the museum there is a small park and the embankment, which opens a very beautiful view of the River Pijm.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_14
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_15
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrine hut and hobbit house

Find a shrine's hut or at least a dendrological garden in which it is not easy. There are no them on the map, but there is a Savodsky leshoz-technical school, which is located nearby. You can build a route to it, but you do not need to turn to the building at the entrance: drive passing by and look for entrance to the garden, it will be left of the road.

When we arrived at the place, Andrei Vdovenko was cleaned from snow the path to the hobbit house from Shira described in the "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" Tolkien. This building appeared in the garden in 2018, her Vdovenko also created with his students.

During the excursion, the technical school teacher in the details told how the houses were created, which plants are growing here in the summer, as it looks here, when there is no snow, and shared plans about what else wants to build.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_16
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

It is very pleasant to listen to him: it can be seen how Andrei is passionate about his work and how he understands everything that he says - in construction, different materials, types of trees and shrubs, which we never heard at all.

- Previously there was a flat place with high grass. Before the start of construction, we twitched her, place the place for the house by the spicy, removed the top layer of the turf with the grass, put aside aside, then invited the excavator and he dug up the dumping: the house is deepened down by 1 meter. Together with students put a frame, a roof, covered it with Ruberoid and ran to the top of the turin. I did internal finish in the winter myself, there is a real fireplace in the house, you can flood it, "the master said.

Now a house and decorative buildings nearby - a dryer for herbs, a bath and a dog Kura are surrounded by snow. Under it there is a lot of beauty: a parisade, low-spirited plants, a walkway from flat stones, a wicker feed fence, a dry stream and a dry swamp. In the summer, near the houses are broken by beds where carrots, coarse and sunflowers grow. I really want to visit the warm season to see all this, but now here is truly fabulous: a flat playground with white-white snow, which shines so brightly in the sun, small wooden houses, and around - beautiful thick forest, clean Frosty air and silence.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_17
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_18
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Having visited the hobbit house, we went to Shrek's hut. It is already amazingly similar to the house of the Giant of the cartoon, and soon the swamp will appear, the mud shower and shrek himself.

Vdovenko told us that he could not think up for a long time, what else to build in the garden. On the house of the Hobbits, he did not want to stop, but there were no new ideas:

"But somehow in the winter I came home from work, turned on the TV, and there a cartoon" Shrek "and just show his hut. And I instantly decided that I would build it.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_19
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_20
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_21
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

For construction left 1.5 years, the Giant House was ready in November 2020. While the playground is not equipped nearby, there is only a toilet. But when the snow melts, Andrei, together with students, will begin to build a swamp.

- Exactly, as in the cartoon, we certainly do not do, but something similar will be necessary, even with a mud shower, a blank log from cement, in which you can climb. Do you know how Shrek in the cartoon dirt from the log pushed out? Something will be. There are still a bench, put the shadowable plants and, because there will be a swamp, the Blue Society, "the technical school teacher said.

Talking about the plans, Andrei Vdovenko went to the house to "prepare everything there." After a few minutes, we entered inside: wooden table, chairs, fireplace, candles lit and glow garlands. Very nice and cozy.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_22
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Spotted deer and herd horses

From the Dendrological Garden, we went to the Natural Park "Silver Kopytza", it is located in a picturesque place on the banks of the Melda River in the village of Fokino. His founder Anna Batukhina conducts one-day tours for travelers, which includes acquaintance with spotted deer (actually they are not found in our territories), horses and horseback walk to the Beressynaya Falls - riding or sled. Tour cost: 1,000 rubles.

At first, Anna spent us to deer, which are contained in the pen. A whole deer family lives in the park: deer, deer and two deer. Despite the fact that the local climate is unusual for these animals, it is clear that they are good here. They look healthy, well-groomed and happy.

"Deer drops the horns, then he grows new, in the fall, Rong-deer wedding, female shelters a healthy deer. These cycles - wintering and molting - and say that animals feel great in this climate, "said the founder of the park.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_23
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_24
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_25
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Horses in the park live in a free setting, without fences and pens. Such content is called to herd. We are more accustomed to the exhausted, thin horses with a sad look in the Alexandrovsky Garden and in the Park at the circus, and therefore it is very strange to see a whole herd of beautiful, healthy, calm horses on the will, which with hunting come to contact. It admires and surprises.

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_26
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day 19991_27
Shrek hut, spotted deer and waterfall. What to see in the Soviet district in one day

It also affects how Anna talks about them, with what love, care and respect, it refers to his ward. He says, as his friends or family members, knows about the origin and nature of each horse, who is friends with whom and who is fighting for leadership. Very good!

From the park we went home. The road was watched as the sun sits down and snow fishes it, and summed up the little journey.

In the Soviet district there are a lot of beautiful and interesting places and to see everything, of course, of course, little. Therefore, it is possible to return here: in winter - walk around the city and the dendrological garden, ride a sleigh, in the summer - look at the rocks, caves, sleep in tents and melted on kayaks on the German. And even to be in the same places at different times of the year: it is interesting, because it looks very different, but always - equally beautiful.

Photo: Julia Vasilik

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