15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves


Classes with a tutor are common worldwide. Additional lessons help not only the disciples get a high score, but also become a storehouse of cognitive materials for ordinary people who want to develop in a new area for themselves. So, for example, Oxford offers anyone who wants to go through online courses that explain why animals behave exactly that, and not otherwise.

Well, in this article, adme.ru collected curious cases from the life of tutors to look at their business on the other hand, and at the same time raise the mood of himself and the world around.

15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves 19983_1
© Unknown Author / Ideer

  • This is the most masterpiece wish that I saw for all my practice: "I am a stupid of your pet. Mathematics I do not know at all. Everywhere where numbers are present, my brain is turned off. If suddenly you call me, I'm sorry for me, but I promise that I will try. I need to pass OGE in mathematics. I am looking for a person who can pull me at least a triple. If you succeed, you can safely declare yourself with the best tutor in the world or superman. " © ole4kaolegovna / Pikabu
  • One boy goes to his wife. As soon as it sits on the chair, he begins to chew something, then stops, then again. And so every time. And it is definitely not a meal and not chewing gum. The wife noticed that after him the chair began to crumble strongly. And today she understood what's the matter. This boy sits, imperceptibly tears the stuffing of the chair and in the mouth, and then spits away. © Unknown Author / Ideer
  • My dialogue with the student: - What is the answer in the first task? - 22. - Is it like? What action did you do? - 20 divided by 5. - and? How did it work out 22? Calculate in the column, please. "That's what I saw. © Ole4kaolegovna / Pikabu

15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves 19983_2
© ole4kaolegovna / Pikabu

  • A place where I work as a tutor and consulting students is rather noisy, so it is often difficult to hear the names of students. But I came up with one elegant trick: look at the name that appears when entering the system when they open their laptops. Today I saw the student went under the nickname Lenovo, and thought: "Yeah, what an unusual name!" Throughout the consultation, I called Lenovo student (for example: "Yes, Lenovo, this offer is very appropriate here!"). And only at the end of the lesson, my colleague, laughing, said that Lenovo Signature is a brand laptop. I still have not recovered from shame and, probably, I will never show up at work. © EmmyEggo / Reddit
  • Too late. The student is waiting for him to be taken after classes. Calls home: "Listen, can you tell mom to leave for me? Oh, she is in the soul ... and dad? He also in the shower? " Then turns to the teacher: "It will take some time, Mr." © NERDSAREPEople / Reddit
  • I spent online classes one on one with students, and their parents shouted that those ceased to play games. The father of one student broke into the sown's room and shouted about a dirty mug that stood in the sink. © Grubas / Reddit

15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves 19983_3
© Unknown Author / Ideer

  • The girl calls me to sign up for English classes. I ask a standard question: "For what purposes you need a language" - since the program depends on this. And in response to hear: "This is not your business! What do you ask everyone? Why do you need my personal information? And in general, I already see, we will not work out! You like to poke your nose in other people's affairs! " - And throws the phone. © Lirala / Pikabu
  • One young man stopped me in the campus and with the move asked to be his tutor in business English. We were engaged in your free time in the empty audiences of our university. After a few classes, a message comes to me: "Go down to the wovers, I left something." The convolution was a whole loaf of bread with an explanation: "This is because you are Russian, and I know that only bread eat in Russia." Once we canceled the appointed occupation, and in the evening a message came to me: "We have too confusing and complex relationships in order to build the future together, so we better part." © DisenchantMentt / Pikabu

15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves 19983_4
© Unknown Author / Ideer

  • I work as a tutor in English. Children are different. Today was the new student for the first time, the lesson in general passed quite normal. In the end I say, they say, now homework. And she is this: "If you ask me my homework, I will say my mother that you got rudely treated with me." I am as follows: "Che-her?", And she: "Well, since you are engaged in tutoring, it means you need money and, it means, we continue to engage in English, but without a home. And if there is a home, long you do not work here. " © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • I pull up in the Russian language of one eighth grader. He lives with her grandparents far beyond the city. 2 times a week I get there with transfers of 2.5 hours. And every time his grandfather feeds me with dinner after classes. Failures does not accept. Today I immediately warned that I can't linger, so he gathered me to eat with him! Sandwich, glazed cheese and juice. © Unknown Author / Ideer
  • One student came to the class and tells me: "I was not at school today. Sick, throat hurts. Mom did not let. And I came to you, because I like, now I want to learn. I did not want to walk to the past tutor: she was boring. " On the one hand, joyfully, and on the other - I am in bewilderment. Why should I go to school, and you can go to the tutor? Do the tutors have immunity tight? © Ancuriosity / Pikabu

15+ stories that prove that the work of the tutor requires exposure and iron nerves 19983_5
© Statsigfig / Reddit

  • He was at a virtual meeting with his class on the first day of school and forgot to turn off the microphone. Then I began to suck with my cat, which at that time I had on my knees. © mrspyder_ / reddit
  • A student came to me (man, about 40 years old). The next day, he had to pass the exam in mathematical analysis. He appreciated his knowledge by 4- / 3. Brought a book with an exemplary options with you, which had to perform. And then it turned out that he seems to be a little knowing how to solve the first task, and that's it. And for the exam, you need to solve a minimum of 5 pieces. On the calculator, he took away from zero three, and the addition of two-digit numbers turned out to be a completely unbearable task. We were removed 2 hours, he did not pass the exam. And the next day came with a review about my work done: "Weak! I would have rated 2 or 3. " © ole4kaolegovna / Pikabu
  • Work a tutor. The new client was in one lesson. Agreed about the following. After a couple of days a message comes: "It happened, I flew ... I'll be back in 3-4 days." I almost fed from laughter. Carlson, damn! © "Chamber No. 6" / VK

Do you have strange stories with tutoring? Or maybe you yourself are a tutor and do you have stories faster than in this article? Share in the comments.

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