How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry area: what plants to plant on it


    Good afternoon, my reader. Not at all summer cottages can be organized by a flowerbed with so necessary many plants with scattered light. Very often you have to highlight the place in the thick shadow of the trees or on the sun. In the latter case, to avoid drying the foliage and withering buds, it is necessary to choose a variety-resistant variety and carry out regular care for them.

    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry area: what plants to plant on it 19976_1
    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry plot: what plants to plant Maria Verbilkova on it

    To create flower beds, which will be under sultry solar rays, you will have to attach a little more effort than when placing it in a more favorable place.

    1. The process begins with the removal of the turf and the soil resistance on the shone shovel.
    2. The remaining roots of the plants are carefully chosen and thrown out.
    3. The perimeter of the future flower beds are fencing that it will allow to protect the flower garden from weeding grass attacks.
    4. The watering system is thought out and laid. Preference must be given to drip and pave pipes for it.
    5. The soil enrich the missing microelements. The sandy makes the organic and black soil, in clay - peat, mixed with gardery.
    6. Making humus is carried out in any type of soil immediately after it is enriched by trace elements, per 1 m² buckets.
    7. Plant landing is carried out after careful port of soil with all additives.
    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry area: what plants to plant on it 19976_2
    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry plot: what plants to plant Maria Verbilkova on it

    In order for the flower bed to be coated at the site of dried and dead plants, it should be planted on it exclusively solvent species and their varieties:

    1. Red Valerian.
    2. Verbena.
    3. Gaylardi.
    4. Decorative cereals - oatmeal, nick, grivy barley, Lamarcia.
    5. Baldjuna Highlander. It is a liana, supports are necessary.
    6. Iris. Suitable all the lowest varieties.
    7. Cosmeya.
    8. Lavender. All varieties widespread in this area will fit well.
    9. Decorative portulak.
    10. Wormwood steller.
    11. Zinnia.
    12. Echinacea.

    This is not a complete list of plants that will feel well on the flower bed, located on the sun. Defined with the choice, it is necessary to prefer cultures that in vivo grow in a dry and hot climate. Usually they have narrow leaves and gray-green color. Perhaps the presence of omission on stems and leaves.

    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry area: what plants to plant on it 19976_3
    How to organize a flowerbed on a sultry plot: what plants to plant Maria Verbilkova on it

    Care of plants on a flowerbed, which is constantly under the influence of sunlight, is slightly different from standard care and is as follows:

    • In the flower garden, exclusively adults and strong plants are planted;
    • Mulching of landings are carried out by organic materials, a layer of at least 5 cm;
    • In the absence of drip, watering manually spend every 2 days, exclusively under the root, without affecting foliage;
    • Timely trimming of fading buds and inflorescences;
    • Regular weeding of weed herbs, sucking moisture from the soil.

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