How to create a secluded place on your site: Practical tips and design options


    Good afternoon, my reader. The courtyard is a place for outdoor activities, garden activities and mobile games for the whole family. In such an atmosphere, it is unlikely to be able to spend quietly. So why not create a cozy corner for yourself, where can I relax and reflect in full quiet?

    How to create a secluded place on your site: Practical tips and design options 19975_1
    How to create a secluded place on its plot: Practical Tips and Options for Maria Verbilkova

    As a rule, the main place for recreation family is near the house, so the personal space is better to organize somewhere in a secluded place, under a tree with massive crowns or near the fence in the long part of the garden. There you can hide from households and spend time in solitude with a good book in your hands or in your dreams.

    Before arranging a cozy nest, you must remove the turnin and strengthen the soil. Creating a personal space for one will not take much time - it is enough to cover the necessary territory of gravel. For beauty and amenities, you can build a small rotunda or polisotone from concrete or natural decorative stone.

    The type of paving completely depends on the overall style of the garden. If the household plot is decorated in natural style, then the stones or wooden flooring can be made as tracks.

    Soothing effects are the fragrances of some plants: roses, heliotrop, rosemary, sage and lavender. They will help a person calm down and feel a complete relax. Relaxing effect has a quiet murmur of water. Creating a reservoir on the site will complement the interior and will enjoy the sounds of nature. And if you put decorative plants or run fish into the water, it will turn into a real miniature pond. To create a small fountain or waterfall to the water, electricity should be carried out.

    In order to equip a comfortable place for two, it is not necessary to invent something new. You can arrange a corner in Victorian style. To do this, it will be necessary to break the bed and plant it with high and endless plants that will fill the space with a pleasant aroma and stand it will endure direct sunlight. The Roman chamomile, thyme lemon or alpine searcress will be best suited. Here you can also install a bench, chaise lounge or hammock, which will enjoy the soothing aromatherapy of fresh plants.

    How to create a secluded place on your site: Practical tips and design options 19975_2
    How to create a secluded place on its plot: Practical Tips and Options for Maria Verbilkova

    For edging, the garden is worth building a robust frame of 50 to 60 centimeters. Its length is calculated depending on the number of seats on the bench. The finished frame is filled with large gravel or rubble, and from above covered with the middle layer of sand (10-15 cm) with the addition of fine gravel and soil. Next, you can land plants. After they come together, you can safely use a bench for destination: sit and meditate or just relax and breathe flavors of amazing herbs.

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