In Priangarya, 81 events in honor of the 76th anniversary of the victory and other memorable dates are scheduled for 2021


Irkutsk Region, 13.01.21 (IA Teleinform), - Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev held a meeting of the regional organizational committee "Victory" today. It addressed the plan of regional events, which will be held in Priangarya in 2021 in connection with the days of military glory, memorable dates of Russia and work with veterans.

According to the press service of the head of the region, in terms of celebrating the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory and other memorable days of Russia - 81 events. In addition to traditional celebrations, cultural and sports programs, the plan includes measures to improve the socio-economic living conditions of persons with disabilities and participants in the Great Patriotic War, as well as persons equated to them. Also, it is also planned to hold an in-depth medical examination, including at home.

At the meeting of the organizing committee, it was noted that the number of war veterans, the workers of the rear, other categories of people who survived the "fortieth-fatal", is becoming less and less. But, according to the information department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the Irkutsk region of Nadezhda Kozlovoy, now the department finds out whether people awarded the sign "resident of the besieged Sevastopol" in the region live. In December last year, the President of the country signed the law that they were equated with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War with the relevant legal guarantees of social protection.

Governor Igor Kobzev made several of his proposals. In particular, this year to make a project, and in 2022 to carry out overhaul in the premises of the regional council of veterans. The head of the region noticed that in terms of events, the Irkutsk Military Patriotic Patriot Patriot, Suvorov School should be. Igor Kobzev also instructed to work out the question of holding a medical rehabilitation of older people who have undergone disease COVID-19. Annex to the plan should have a list of socially significant objects introduced in the current year.

"Also in the plan of our organizing committee, it is necessary to include a list of veterans of war and workers of the rear, which will be resettled this year from the Old and Emergency Housing," the governor instructed.

The plan of events was adopted, but members of the organizing committee noted that the epidemiological situation in the region could have an impact on the organization and conduct of planned activities. At the same time, to clarify the procedure for their holding and promptly respond to a change in the situation should help the practical experience gained in the past year.

In Priangarya, 81 events in honor of the 76th anniversary of the victory and other memorable dates are scheduled for 2021 19954_1

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