20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money


Statistics says that for 2019 more than 800 thousand people in the world turned to surgeons to change the shape of the nose, and almost 2 million made mammoplasty. Plastic surgery flourishes, and more and more people seek to find the inner harmony by changing their appearance. However, not everyone remains satisfied with the results.

We in adme.ru decided to listen to the stories and see photos of people who finally performed their long-standing dream and made plastic.

"17 days after double plastle on the upper and lower jaws. Recovery was difficult, but I don't regret anything "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_1
© LaurenB97xo / Reddit

"I put braces in July 2018, and by the end of 2020 I was lucky to get to the surgeon. I think you will have to spend six months in braces - and I am free! Now I feel like a normal person. "

"It took half a year since I converted my nose"

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_2
© amorchicho / Reddit

"This is not a typical" instagram "nose that many love. But my nose has a character, and I like it. I am terribly satisfied with the result! "

  • I reduced bust. I had back pain, so insurance covered plastic. It's amazing! Now I can wear sweatshirts in size, I don't have straps on a bra during training, my posture has become better and confidence has appeared. © Queen_Gumby / Reddit

"Made the plastic of the lower age 3 months ago. I still have no 30, and so great finally look harsh! "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_3
© Buddles12 / Reddit

"For everything in Dallas, I paid $ 5,600. It really changed my life for the better."

"1 year and 3 months after I changed the shape of the chin and jaw"

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_4
© Honorary_Canadian / Reddit

  • I do not regret at all that turned to the surgeon! I made a double century plastic, which is very common in Asia. And you know what? Only the fold in the eyelid can radically change your look! © Nicole Amy / Quora

"11 weeks after rhinoplasty. I feel like a new person! "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_5
© Satsuinohadou_ / Reddit

"I was looking for a doctor for a long time, I read the reviews and eventually signed up for several surgeons for consultation. In the end, I chose the best specialist. True, it cost me $ 17 thousand, but this is a completely normal price for New York. "

"2 years after plastics. It really changes life! I'm shocked from such results! "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_6
© Maranazc / Reddit

  • As a child, I had gynecomastia, and the presence of the breast was greatly affected by my boyish self-esteem. I went all year round in a sweater, no matter how hot. After the plastic, I was able to wear T-shirts and shirts, and now my self-confidence at an unusually high level. © itsgunner / Reddit

"7 weeks after plastic nose"

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_7
© BigolhonKinnose / Reddit

"I have a mummy Roman nose, in addition I broke it in childhood. My father was against until I saw what happened. "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_8
© banraisincookies / Reddit

"This week I celebrate the anniversary of the jaw operation"

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_9

  • It's awesome! I just need to call you on a date! © Dryinghead / Reddit

"2 weeks after rhinoplasty. This is the best solution I accepted in my life! "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_10
© Ruthnaomiiiii / Reddit

However, not everyone is satisfied with the changes

"4 months ago I made rhinoplasty. Now my nose looks big and curves and I regret that I decided to go to the surgeon. I was traveled for my nose all my life, and now even worse "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_11
© Bilzify / Reddit

  • In 2005, I installed breast implants. I was a dancer, and it increased not only my confidence in myself, but my earnings (4 times). I have not been dancing for a long time, gave birth to a child and recovered. The bust has increased to size E, while the force of attraction is valid for it in the same way as on natural. I'm afraid to remove the implants, because it is painful and scary to imagine how I will look without them. And pay for new $ 3 thousand. I'm not ready yet. © Dana Bateman / Quora
  • I adjusted the nasal partition, because I could not breathe normally because of the broken nose. Plastic just all aggravated: the nose turned out to be a curve, and my partition now almost completely consists of scar tissue. © TheRegistater / Reddit

"I think it is clear why I disappointed with blepharoplasty"

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_12
© Murawskiv / Reddit

"I really do not see almost no improvements. When I said about this to the doctor, he replied that the complete absence of bags under the eyes is possible only in children, and offered additional treatment for $ 3,500. I'm terribly angry and I don't know what to do. "

  • 2 months ago I corrected the shape of the jaw, and I strongly regret it. I used to be unattractive, but now even worse: the face has become longer, the nose is wider, the cheeks are flat, and the eyes turned. Every day I pray that I manage to somehow return my face. © uglyjawregret / Reddit
  • In 17 I reduced bust. At first I was happy and did not feel pain in the back, but now I feel like Frankenstein. I had scars, and when the child was born, I could not feed it with his breast. It's good that I have a husband who supports me and takes care of me. © Alyssa Hernandez / Quora

"Week after rhinoplasty. I chose the best doctor and paid a bunch of money, but I look just disgusting! It is unlikely that the swelling after the intervention could spark my nose. I think it's about something else "

20+ people showed whether their transformation was worth the plastic surgeon of their money 19948_13
© furry2020 / Imgur, © fufab2020 / Reddit, © furry2020 / Imgur

  • I woke up in the hospital and immediately thought: "What did I do?!" I cried and asked myself this question for the next 2 months. I was made by plastic abdomen and liposuction, but everything went not very successfully: the skin on the stomach was deformed and dents remained on the sides. By the way, my surgeon was listed in the top five of the best doctors. They simply cannot control everything and sometimes complications happen without visible reasons. © Sumer Rose / Quora

And how do you feel about plastic? Would you like to change something in yourself?

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