How to fix a few columns in Excel


The ability to fix columns in Excel is a useful feature in the program that allows you to secure the area to preserve the visibility of information. It is useful in case of work with large tables, for example, when it is necessary to compare. There is an opportunity to fix a lonely column or capture several minutes at once, what we will talk in detail below.

How to fix the first column in Excel?

To secure a lonely column, you will need to do the following:

  1. Open the file with the table you plan to edit.
  2. Go to the toolbar in the section "View".
  3. Find in the proposed functionality "Fasten the Area".
  4. In the dropping list, select "Secure the first column".
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After completed actions, you will see that the border has changed a bit, it became dark and slightly thicker, it means that it is fixed, and when studying the table, the first column information will not disappear and will be visually fixed in fact.

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How to fix a few columns in Excel?

To fix several columns at once, you will have a number of additional actions. The main thing is to remember that the score of the columns occurs from the leftmost sample, starting with A. So it will not be possible to fix several different columns somewhere in the middle of the table. So, to implement this functionality, you will need to do the following:

  1. Suppose we need to fix three columns at once (designations a, b, c), so to start highlight the entire column d or cell D
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  1. After that, you need to go to the toolbar and select the tab called "View".
  2. You will need to use the option to "fasten the area".
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  1. In the list you will have several functions, among them it will be necessary to choose to "fasten the area".
  2. If everything is done correctly, the three specified columns will be enshrined and can be used as a source of information or comparison.

How to simultaneously fix column and string?

There may be such a situation that it is necessary to fix the column immediately along with the nearest string to implement the assignment, you need to do the following:

  1. At first, you will need to use the cell as the base point. The main requirement in this case acts that the cell should be located strictly at the crossing of the string and column. At first, this could sound difficult, but thanks to the attached screenshot you can immediately understand the intricacies of this moment.
  2. Go to the toolbar and use the View tab.
  3. It needs to find the item "Secure the Area" and click on it with the left mouse button.
  4. From the drop-down list it is enough to choose the option "Fasten the Area".
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It is possible to fix several panels immediately for future use. For example, if you need to fix the first two columns and two lines, then for a clear orientation you will need to highlight the C3 cell. And if you need to fix three rows and three columns immediately, for this you will need to highlight the D4 cell. And if you need a non-standard set, for example two lines and three columns, then it will take to extract the D3 cell to consolidate. After holding parallels, you can see the principle of consolidation and boldly use it in any table.

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How to remove the assignment of areas in Excel?

After the information from the fixed columns is fully utilized, you should think about removing the fixation. Especially for such a case there is a separate function and to use it, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the fixed columns are no longer needed for your work.
  2. Now go to the toolbar from above and go to the View tab.
  3. Use the Function Function.
  4. From the drop-down list, select "Remove Consolidate Region".
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As you can see, use the functions function is not as difficult, it is enough to use all the available actions and carefully follow the recommendations. This feature must be useful to you, therefore it is worth remembering the principle of its use.

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