Seedlings in January for super-abnormal potatoes in bags

Seedlings in January for super-abnormal potatoes in bags 19906_1

We love potatoes not only for taste and benefit, but also for unpretentiousness. After all, on a small scale, it can be grown literally anywhere: in various containers and anywhere, where you can get at least six or eight hours of direct sunlight, on the balcony, glazed veranda or in a greenhouse, when we are talking about ultra-alone harvesters.

In addition, this is a good way to attract children to gloomily, as potatoes are an attractive plant in itself.

No wonder in foreign countries, teachers often demonstrate to schoolchildren in the lessons of botany simple, inexpensive and all available potato growing method in the bag. For this, any durable bag suites for at least 7-10 liters.

For normal growth, potatoes require at least three to four months of cool weather. Strong frosts kill plants, while high temperatures stop the growth and formation of tubers. Thus, the "potato babble" promises weather advantages, not to mention the absence of diseases and pests.

First of all, get a good early seed potatoes.

Although the idea looks tempting to buy some potatoes in the grocery store and use it as a seed, in fact it is not the best option. Potatoes in the grocery store, most likely, was treated with chemicals against germination, so sweep the time to search for precisely the planting material. Typically, seed potatoes in size with a chicken egg, but do not be sad if you have to buy a solidine, with proper preparation they all will go well.

So, the planting material you needed what is called, "shaking" to stimulate severe shoots, rapid growth and high harvest.

From the end of January to February, decompose the seed potatoes with a blunt end up in trays or in empty boxes from eggs in a cool, but not frosty place, with access to bright sun.

Over time, you will notice the formation of seedlings. Give them to grow up to three centimeters in length, and then remove everything except for the three or four steadfasts before boarding.

Your task is to make potatoes grow thick and strong shoots, not weak and thin, which sometimes occur with insufficient lighting and / or artificially high temperatures. Before boarding, you can without fears to divide the tubers with seedlings. Unlike growing in an open ground, here the risk of diseases due to cutting planting material is much smaller.

After landing, it is necessary to guarantee potatoes. Frost medium, regular watering and periodic feeding with liquid fertilizer.

How to grow potatoes in a bag of stages

. Do small holes at the bottom of the drainage, pour the potted soil layer, a handful of universal fertilizer and spread soil at about a quarter. Pour and wait until the soil falls down. At the same time, and check the quality of the drainage, the potatoes do not like to sit in wetland.

. Plants of potatoes grow rather large, so you should not close them: two, in extreme cases, three bushes depending on the size of the bag. By placing the boarding material in the bag, close the soil and pour.

Remember that the bag should be placed where potatoes will get a lot of sunlight, but without heat. Do not place the hot wall, and if the floor is made of concrete, then make a substrate, for example, a rubber rug.

. Continue to water as needed that deep roots remain wet, but not wet. As it grows, carefully select fresh potted soil or thick mulch so as to cover the lower stems and leaves. Continue this weekly until the bag will not be filled with soil or mulch. As for the chart of flickering potatoes in bags of liquid fertilizer, the link is described in detail.

. After three months, your potatoes will bloom, which means bulging tubers.

If not tolerant, then small potatoes can be chosen, carefully tackling the soil or mulgar with your fingers, but for larger tubers, give plants time for another month before you sip the bags on the side and see what grown.

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