"Metrostroy" told about the plans for the construction of the subway for 2021 and when new metro stations will open in St. Petersburg


Funding interruptions, "Stackers" workers, entering the procedure of observation and permutation in the governing office, a pandemic and sequencing of the budget city - 2020 was difficult for "Metrostroy", while the enterprise did not stop the construction of the subway. Novostroy.su found out what plans the company has for 2021, as well as when and where Petersburgers wait for new metro stations.

"Currently, the main plans are connected with the continuation of the construction of two new plots of the metro: the site of the Lakhtinsky-Right-Bank line with the stations" Mountain Institute "and" Theatrical "(without access to the surface) and the site of the Krasnevsko-Kalininsky line with the South West stations and Putilovskaya (with a transfer to the Kirov Plant station). Both sections under construction are planned to be delivered in 2023. Today they are active mining and capital operations, distillation tunnels are being built, the station complexes themselves and auxiliary generations, "the company's press service is told.

NOVOSTROY.SU questions about how in the Company refer to a new competitor to the enterprise, which at the end of the 2020 created VTB Bank and Smolny, and whether to two companies will build a subway in the city or is planned to merge into the Metrostroy They answered briefly: "The main thing is that the subway in St. Petersburg is built."

Recall that in November 2020, Smolny and VTB created JSC of the Metrostroy of the Northern Capital. Most of the company (that is, 65% of the shares), which, presumably, should become the main builder of the metro in St. Petersburg, received the city. For a similar scheme of the Bank's structure, a subway in Moscow is erected.

Meanwhile, in February 2020, the procedure for observing the "Metrostroy" was introduced. Last year, Gregory Avdeev, a temporary manager of the company, asked the court to bring to responsibility on the debts of the enterprise of former managers - Vadim Alexandrova and his son Nikolai Alexandrov, a total of 5 billion rubles. Note that Alexandrov Jr. is accused of embezzlement in two criminal cases.

"Metrostroy" told about the plans for the construction of the subway for 2021 and when new metro stations will open in St. Petersburg

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