Can Google turn off Android in Russia if youtube blocked here


Can Google turn off Android so that smartphones that work on its base stop working in principle? Presumably not. After all, this is an open operating system, which many manufacturers enjoy even without her knowledge. Another thing, why would she do it at all? Still, even for Huawei, it was decided to leave the opportunity to use the operating system, even with some reservations. However, Google itself actively hints at what can turn off Android on Russian smartphones if local authorities trial to block YouTube.

Can Google turn off Android in Russia if youtube blocked here 19886_1
Google warns that turn off Android in Russia, if youtube blocked here

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Telegram Channel Neshulman said that Google warned the Russian authorities that the Android phones will stop working if youtube try in the country. This is the company's reaction to twitter slowdown. Of course, such applications did not do neither Sundar Pichai nor his subordinates. The warning was expressed sorrow, but so to convey its position to those who make decisions in this direction.

Can Google turn off Android

Can Google turn off Android in Russia if youtube blocked here 19886_2
YouTube is a very valuable service for Google, and it can not allow its lock

According to Neshulman, Google reported on the intention to turn off Android in Russia through "its agents of influence". It can sound strange and even conspirators, but it is obvious that there are such agents from Google, and Apple. In the end, someone has prolobed the acceptance of exceptions to the Law on Russian Soft. But come back to Google.

Let's start with whether Google will go to such a step, or rather, do it have any opportunity to go to him? After all, the disabling Android in Russia in response to the youtube lock looks very strange. Thus, the company risks to deprive himself a huge (like) income. But in fact it is not quite so.

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If we assume that in Russia 70% of the 140 million people use smartphones, and approximately 15-20% of them are the owners of the iPhone, it turns out that the Android audience in our country is less than 100 million. Is there a lot or a little? Well, compared to 25 million Australia, probably a lot. And compared to billions of China, India and Africa - negligible. So, if Google and turn off Android in Russia, then it will not lose much as some think.

Another thing is that it is really not to block the Android meaning. Still, then the company will very much to substitute manufacturers who sold millions of smartphones to the population of Russia, which suddenly massively stop working. It is impossible to admit it. Therefore, the maximum that, in my opinion, can wait for us, is to disable Google services. It is much more convenient than to develop a separate Android blocking system for a whole region.

Like YouTube in Russia

Can Google turn off Android in Russia if youtube blocked here 19886_3
Google is obviously there are agents of influence in the Russian authorities. They have many large companies

Obviously, Google is very afraid of Locking YouTube in Russia. This is one of the most successful her businesses along with the search engine and, no matter how to twist, an excellent sphere of influence. But who said that Youtube will blocked irretrievably? It is possible that the situation with Telegram will repeat.

Remember: When access to the service was allegedly blocked, it still remained accessible via a VPN or proxy server. It will be the same with YouTube because if in China everyone is watching the video service, bypassing the "golden" firewall, then in Russia, where there is no such advanced infrastructure, this will be done and suppressed.

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Google cannot do this. However, the explicit fall of Youtube's audience and, albeit short-term, but she does not need to send income due to the reduction of attendance. Therefore, the company could well and beat, in order to scare local authorities through their agents of influence, which we dealt with, really have.

But even if Google bluffed, the Russian authorities are unlikely to be consciously on the conflict with the population, consciously allowing the probability of the Android blocking. After all, it would simply simply deprive users of the money they posted for their smartphones, let it be and not a full blocking of the OS, and disabling Google services. So, I sincerely think that neither Android nor YouTube will be blocked.

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