6 facts about gymnast from the Netherlands, which became a pornstar


Verona Wang de Ler was a famous Dutch gymnast. In early 2000, she became the vice-champion of the world and competed on an equal footing with the legendary Russian athlete Svetlana Chorchina. After injury, Van de Ler was forced to complete his career, it turned out to be on the street, and then she became a porn actress.

We tell how it happened.

6 facts about gymnast from the Netherlands, which became a pornstar 19883_1

Harsh parents and ruthless gymnastics

Van de Ler grew up in a harsh Protestant family. Her mother worked in the book shop, and his father was a watchmaker. To the parents of Verona could only contact you. In 5 years, the girl was fascinated by gymnastics, and by 8 years she reached training at an elite level.

About any other hobbies Van de Ler had to forget. Parents first supported the success of the girls, and then they ceased to arrange any results, except for the first places and gold medals. Mother and father only put pressure on the child.

6 facts about gymnast from the Netherlands, which became a pornstar 19883_2

Photo: Martin Cushen

Abyuz in sports

During the class of Verona, he was constantly faced with verbal and sexual abuse from sports staff. In front of the coaches had to be weighed with naked torso so that they could measure the percentage of fat in the body. And physiotherapists did not hesitate to allow themselves excess when working with young gymnasts.

The coaches had a psychological pressure all the time and forced to sit on diets. If the gymnasts broke out and eaten something unlawful, then a tremendous feeling of shame was tested. Verona told that he tried to crash such food because he was afraid that the coach would notice the change of weight.

Serious successes and rapid fall

Already at the age of 15, Wang de Ler was able to earn a few medals, and in 2002, even almost overwhelmed Svetlana Chorcina in a all-around, giving it only 0.05 points. At 16, the girl recognized the year athlete in the Netherlands. Already the next year, the girl was injured that did not allow her to return to the former shape. She changed the coach, continued to train, but she could not achieve success.

After the decision of Verona, the parents have literally renounce her, changed the castles and she stayed on the street with her young man. The girl lived in his car, sometimes spending the night at her grandparents and shooting apartments for the last money.

6 facts about gymnast from the Netherlands, which became a pornstar 19883_3

The car in which Van de Ler lived with a guy. Photo: CNN.

Prison and the final finale career

Being in despair, Verona took an attempt to blackmail a random woman, which was caught by an intrigue. The girl requested 1000 euros from her, but did not receive money. The woman reported an incident in the police, and Verona arrested special forces. She threatened five years in prison. The girl spent in conclusion for 2 years, but at least she had a bed and a shower.

Then Veron canceled arrest. Once at freedom, she realized that no one knew about her conclusion. She began to work by a coach and wrote a speaker for the Gymnastics Federation of Holland. But then the court happened, in which Verona appointed a two-year probationary period, and the media learned about everything. Her reputation came end.

Work in porn.

The girl could not find a permanent job. Once the fan asked her to send Toples photos for which he offered money. From sale Photo of Verona and her boyfriend received 2000 euros. And then they offered the work of webcam platform. They agreed, and after some time they opened their own video shop, where they laid out their erotic videos.

It was not like a dream job, but Veron liked to do it. Moreover, she could earn together with his beloved man. In porn couple worked for 8 years, and the industry was able to provide them with means of existence, which was enough for a house in nature. Also, the girl invests funds in charity. She bought equipment to neighboring children who engaged in motocross, and then even organized a team for them. In 2015, Wang de Ler tried to return to the gymnastics, but she had nothing.

Purchase Porn and Career Care

When Verona finally spreads his idea to return to the sport, she began to speak with public lectures. There she talked about her life and such topics as violence in sports. With the arrival of the pandemic, however, the performances ended. For one such event, the girl received from 250 to 2500 euros.

Van de Ler also completed her career in porn, but not quite. She started an account on Onlyfans, for which it makes erotic content. The girl explains its solution to the fact that she did not want to upset his fans who were attached to her. It can be said that "work" on Onlyfans feeds Verona family during a pandemic period.

6 facts about gymnast from the Netherlands, which became a pornstar 19883_4

Photo: Instagram Verona Wang de Ler

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