Morning digest "Tula News": Snow Papture, Medieval Don and Calls for the Murder of Cosmonauts

Morning digest

You could miss it on the eve. "Tula News" talk about the most interesting (and still relevant) over the past day.

Evacuation at home

On the night of February 14, the apartment was caught up in Tula in the house on Kosticheva Street.

There were 3 fire exchanges and the auto expense on the spot. Because of the fire, 42 people were evacuated. A 44-year-old man died in a fire.

As a result of the incident burned the bed, the room was jumped throughout the area.

What did Gagarin not pleased you?

A resident of Donskoy went on trial for extremist publications.

He posted on the social network video to the song of extremist content. Her text contains a call for the murder of astronauts.

In addition, there are fragments in the video where they are puzzled with a knife and cut the photos of the Cosmonaut of the USSR by scissors, the Hero of the Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin.

Welcome to the Middle Ages

Donskoy residents posted in the post in social networks about the problem with water supply.

According to them, they have no normal water for almost a week. At first, the water flowed with a weak pressure, then stopped at all.

Now the inhabitants of the ICRN Bobrik Mountain have to stir snow to wash.

In the administration and local waterochannel, the problem is not solved, the excuses are standard.

And who will remove snow?

On the basis of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Tula region a meeting of the Operational Headquarters for Eliminating the Impautions of Snowfall in the region was held. It was created on behalf of the Governor Alexey Dumin.

On February 12-14, heavy snowfall fell on the region. In the Tula region fell 56 cm snow per day - this is a monthly rate. Communals worked in reinforced mode.

The head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Tula region, Leonid Ivchenko, said that all management companies were mobilized to clean from the snow of the yard territories. Inspectors of GGA personally checked 379 local areas. With respect to 24, management organizations were attracted to administrative responsibility.

Snow captivity

Residents of the streets of the domain alley in the proletarian district of Tula complain of a flooded passage to their homes.

Because of the big snowy heap, which blocked the passage to the street, Tulyaki cannot drive. According to them, it is not clear how an ambulance, fire or police should pass on an emergency. Residents sin on public utilities.

However, installations for cleaning secondary streets, except Kutuzov Street, the "special vehicles" did not receive. As later, it turned out the snow circulated on the passage unknown. Later he was removed by the special equipment.

Have a nice day, everyone!

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