Drivers showed what is happening on M1: accidents and constant ABS workers, and visually pure and dry road

Drivers showed what is happening on M1: accidents and constant ABS workers, and visually pure and dry road 1985_1

Frost holds, drivers urge to exercise caution on the roads and warn about the possible formation of the ice. Our reader with nickname Al.Deamon yesterday saw the consequences of two serious accidents on the short plot of the M1 highway (Brest - Minsk - the border of Russia).

- Route M1, 453-455 km, two accidents. In the direction of Minsk - a car in Kuvette, in the Moscow direction - two trucks, a passing collision. The road is now very slippery, be attentive, - told the author of the video.

As a result of the accident with road trains, part of the separation fence was broken. One wagon unfolded, the other partially moved into a ditch. At the scene were already employees of the traffic police.

Accident with a passenger car occurred nearby. The car was in Kuvet, other participants in the accident was not visible. At least two drivers stopped near, probably to assist.


On the status of the M1 route, our reader Al.Deamon told the Onliner correspondent.

"The road became slippery about the congress to Vitebsk and was so practically to Minsk." There were no signs that limit the speed. Snow blowers met once, but even after their passage, the surface remained slippery. Any more or less energetic braking ended with the Distribution of ABS, and the car began to wear on the highway, "says the driver. - "Cruise" was disconnected periodically due to ESP workflows. The car was comfortable at speeds up to 90-100 km / h under the condition of a uniform movement without rebuilding and other things, but at open areas of the road sometimes demolished into the adjacent strip side wind.

At the same time, as the reader noted, visually it was very difficult to guess that there was a slippery on the road.

"The most annoying thing that the road seemed clean and dry: Frost was about 12 degrees - nothing hints at the Hollyanta," he told. - The video shows that in both cases, the accidents happened on the roundabout of the road at the outlet of the rounding. Apparently, it became a key factor: the car carried to the outer radius. In the first case, the wagon hooked the bump and struck in the next wagon, in the second - the passenger car flew off the road.

Video with the consequences of a collision of two road trains also posted on our forum a user with Nick SERGEY8444.

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