In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom?

In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom? 19847_1

Sklubberger, or, as this plant is called in the people, the Decembrist is unpretentious in the contents of a flower, pleaseing the flowers of flowers with their lush flowering in the winter, while most of the other colors are resting.

However, despite the simplicity of care, from time to time the Decembrist climbs and ceases to bloom. At such moments, the main question that places the owners of this exotic plant - is it possible to force the Skluberger to bloom and how exactly do it?

Is the flowering of Slubberger at home?

In Europe, Sigocactus appeared at the beginning of the XIX century, thanks to Alan Kanning, and quickly gained popularity among hotel lovers due to its feature - Skluberger does not just bloom at home, this period falls on the midst of winter. That is why he began to call the Decembrist.

When to wait for the appearance of buds?

The Decembrist race from the wet tropical forests of South America and the flowering of this plant depends on the tropical season. In the natural environment, the flowering of Slubberger begins from mid-October and lasts until mid-March, after the rainy season ends and the plant will receive the required amount of moisture.

In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom? 19847_2
  • If April was hot and demanded abundant and frequent irrigation, then bloom will come in late November-early December.
  • If summer came late, the Decembrist will bloom only in January or February.

During one calendar year, Skluberger blooms once, preparing for a long time for the period of flowering and passing several stages of growth and development.

Why does Christmas do not bloom for several years?

The absence of a flowering period in the Decembrist indicates the absence of the necessary care and not compliance with the conditions of the plant content:
  1. Skluberger is in too dark, for example, on the windowsill on the northern side of the room. The most suitable option is an oriental or western windowsill.
  2. The plant lacks nutrients. The Decembrist needs constant feeding, otherwise it grows, but does not bloom.
  3. Wrong watering mode. As a result of the lack of moisture or its excess, the destruction of the root plant of the plant and the development of diseases begins, which negatively affects flowering.
  4. Pests. The presence of insects also adversely affects the state of the decks of the Decembrist.
  5. Too big vase. Roots Slubbergers do not occupy a lot of space, so the landing in too much capacity will lead to the fact that the plant will let the strength on the extension and development of the root system, forgetting blossom.
  6. Lack of regular transfers and, as a result, total soil exhaustion and loosening roots.

In addition, we provoke stress leading to the absence of bloom, and frequent movements of the plant from place in place, even on the rotation of the vase around its axis, the Decembrist reacts painfully. In more detail about the reasons for the absence of colors in the Christmas Eve, we told in this article.

What conditions are needed for the natural formation of buds?

Lighting and comfortable place
In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom? 19847_3

Therefore, it is best to place Sigocactus on the windowsill of the Eastern or Western window and pronounce, so Skhemberger feels most comfortable, being in conditions as close as possible to the tropical climate.


The Decembrist is able to survive in different temperature conditions: it is well tolerates the temperature as in +40 degrees and in +12 degrees.

Before the start of the flowering period, the air temperature should be reduced to + 15-16 degrees, while dissolving buds to increase to + 18-25 degrees, and at the end of the flowering it is again lower.

Air humidity

Skluberger reacts well to spraying. In summer, especially at high air temperature, it is necessary to regularly and abundantly spray the plant from the sprayer.

Is it possible to stimulate the plant?

Throughout the calendar year, the Decembrist passes four stages of development, one of which is flowering. If the flowering period does not occur, it means that something is wrong with the plant: the conditions of its content or it was attacked by pests. You can stimulate the flowering of Sklubergers and need not only for aesthetic beauty, but also for the flower to remain healthy and passed through all the stages of its development.

What to get down?

The soil in which the Skluberger is growing, over time is depleted and at home can not restore its nutritional qualities in a natural way. Give the plant necessary for growth, development and flowering Power can only with the help of regular feeding.

In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom? 19847_4

You can use them until the end of August. With the onset of autumn you need to stop making fertilizers so that the Decembrist can relax.

When the first buds appears on the Skluberger, you need to start a new series of feeding. During this period, any fertilizers for flowering indoor plants and cacti can be used, the main thing is to eliminate nitrogen-containing. This is an important condition, because when flowering, the Decembrist does not need to build new stems and leaves. Otherwise, the flower will grow strongly, but it will not begin to bloom.

You can feed the Siegocactus fertilizers made by yourself:

  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of crushed ash in 1 liter of water and water the flower with the resulting solution.
  • Prepare a solution for watering, collecting 1 tablespoon of sugar in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Pour 1 piece of chopped mandarin crusts, orange, lemon three parts boiling water, insisted during the day, strain and dilute every half-liter infusion of water half-liters and water the plant.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar in 1 liter of warm water, leave for 2 hours, after which it is to dissolve every part of the infusion of the five parts of the water.

You can also use a strongly diluted coward.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make Siegocactus tying color?

In unison with natural rhythms, or how to make the Decembrist blossom? 19847_5
  1. With the onset of autumn cooling, it is necessary to provide a plant of rest, moving it about a month to the street or balcony, while defending direct sunlight and rain. The Decembrist flower kidneys begins in case of a decrease in total temperature.
  2. During this time, the Sklbergerger can not watered, you need to exclude any likelihood of a flower of moisture, without being bunted by fading foliage. When the thermometer will fall down below +10 degrees, it is necessary to put the plant into the room and start occasionally to water it. This will reduce the effect, but the flowering period will still come.
  3. It is necessary to change the intensity of lighting. From the end of October, the duration of the Daytime Day of the Decembrist should be not more than 8 hours a day.

After the Schlumberger turns out to be in such conditions, you can start counting the time before the start of flowering - in 50 days, flowers should appear on the plant. It is important to consider that after 8-hour lighting, the Decembrist must be in complete darkness.

Observing the necessary conditions for the plant content, and ensuring proper care, the Decembrist for many years will delight the owners with their beautiful blossoms. If for some reason, the Skmberger does not occur a period of flowering, no need to despair. Encourage the plant to the release of buds and flowering, adhering to uncomplicated rules.

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