What will happen next with Prince Harry and Megan Plant


Yesterday it became known that the Prince Harry and Megan Marck will not return to his duties. In the official statement of the Buckingham Palace also said that together with the refusal of the authority of the Duke and the Duchess Susseki deprived of all patronage and military destinations - now they are exactly themselves and can do everyone than they wish.

Strictly speaking, such a dialog was planned a year ago - that is, the desire of Megan and Harry to give an interview with Operation Winsfri only partly affected the situation. During the discussion of the conditions of "Megesite" Elizabeth II and Prince Harry agreed that one year after the refusal of their public activity with Megan's status will be revised. True, it was expected that the official statement would be published in March, so that perhaps the events of the past week significantly accelerated the process.


On the comment of the Palace already reacted the organizations with which Harry and Megan worked. Rugby Union, Rubbite League and Charitable Foundation of the London Marathon confirmed that they stop working with the Prince, thanking him over the years of support. Megan, respectively, lost the possibility of submitting the National Theater, the University of Commonwealth Association and the Royal Commonwealth Foundation. At the same time, Sussexes remain Invictus Games ("Games are not discovered"), since Harry is their founder, as well as funds that Megan supported in private, - Smart Works and MayHew.

All this, as sources believes, deeply upset the spouses who hoped to live in the United States and continue the work started in the UK. The big blow to Harry was the fact that he lost his honorary military ranks. Now he no longer holds the post of Captain General Corps of the Royal Marines and cannot wear a military form at official events (for example, he was married in May 2018). Presumably, the title will go to his tower Princess Anna.


Note that at the same time Harry and Megan are not losing titles. They remain the duke and the Duchess Susseki, as well as their royal highways (the second they officially do not have the right to use). "An agreement on this is stored since last January. Prince Harry was born the prince and they will remain. The titles of Duke and Duchess were a wedding gift, "the Daily Mail source commented.

Sussexes have already reacted to the statement of Elizabeth II, and in their comments, many have seen offense and disappointment. "The duke and duchess remained devoted to their duties in the UK and around the world and continued to support organizations that represented, without regard to their official role. This is confirmed by their public activities over the past year. We can all devote life to work. International Service, "said in a message from the face of spouses.

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Commercial projects

Experts of the portal Money.co.uk hurried to present their forecasts regarding what Harry and Megan may continue to be in the future. "In the future, Sussexes are likely to focus on increasing their recognition and search for new sources of income for its growing family," consider analysts. One of these profitable options seems to be an instagram @sussexroyal, which spouses were abandoned last year. Meanwhile, more than 10 million people have been signed on it. According to experts, the cost of a commercial post in this account can reach $ 34 thousand (or £ 24 thousand). However, Harry and Megan until recently did not plan to return to social networks. They will also have to rename the blog if they change their mind.

Other reliable sources of income, according to the expert portal, can be partnership with large brands, as well as writing a book on their own behalf - by rumors, Barack and Michel Obama earned about $ 60 million on selling rights to their memoirs Penguin Random House. Of course, promising to give part to charity.

Also Megan and Harry, most likely, will continue to perform in publicly that, according to Money.co.uk, it may well bring them up to $ 1 million for one participation. Do not forget about the contract signed with NetFlix. It became known about him last year, the media even wrote about Sussekskov's specific plans - for example, to participate in the shooting of a reality show about their charitable activities. When the result of their work is shown, while it is unknown.

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