How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum


If stains from the greenfoot or iodine appeared on the surface of the furniture or the floor, they are considered the most difficult to be derived. Such substances are capable of penetrating enough to penetrate the deep layer of material. In the absence of timely measures, the pollution received may remain forever.

How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum 19813_1

Establishing iodine traces from linoleum

It is not recommended to use the means that are on hand. It threatens the final porch of the integrity of the coating. You must first analyze information about the substance, since iodine has a property to dissolve in other liquids. If you proceed from its chemical features, it becomes clear that it will be disproportionate after contact with any alkali or water. In the latter case, pre-heating is required. To change the pH of the solution, you just need to add a small amount of soda and heat up slightly. Then the resulting mass is applied directly to the polluted area.

How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum 19813_2

To quickly remove iodine, the detergent consisting of their chlorine. It is only important to remember that this option may cause the development of an allergic reaction. This is explained by the fact that the polymer organic compound and chlorine are strong allergens and they are categorically forbidden to use where people are with high predisposition to this problem. This method is better to avoid, especially in the presence of small children.

Removal of spots from the green

The inaccient use of the greenflock becomes the cause of the appearance of spots on the floor surface. To remove them, you can apply:

  • lacquer remover;
  • simple acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Any of the selected means is applied to the prepared cotton tampon, which is intensively rubbed down. Terret should be completely disappeared. After the procedure is completed, the processed place is washed with a warm soap and water solution.

How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum 19813_3

Hydrogen peroxide

This method involves the use of a terry napkin, which is wedged in the facility and give a track of all excess fluids. It is important not to squeeze the fabric. Next, it is applied directly to the stain and leave about 10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated repeatedly, since gradually pollution will become lighter.

How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum 19813_4
Note! The surface around the spots should also be processed so that the transitions become less noticeable.


If all trial tools have not brought the desired result, it is recommended to use acetone or lacquer removal fluid. These fluids are capable of errors, which can lead to linoleum discoloration. A set of acetone is applied on a tampon, which is gently wetting pollution. It is better to avoid unnecessary movements and not to apply special efforts.

How to remove stains from iodine and zeam with linoleum 19813_5

Each hostess knows that the stain from iodine or the greenfow is considered a real disaster. Linoleum refers to artificial material, so it quickly absorbs fluid. The cleaning process can delay for a long time. Tips in the article will help cope with these species of spots quickly and efficiently.

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