5 unnecessary habits in life that interfere with happy calmness


Nature has endowed us by many possibilities. But together with the possibilities gave the ability to get used to certain actions. We will not consider useful and bad habits, they are obvious to every person. But unnecessary habits are so hidden that sometimes we perceive them as an integral part of thinking.

Unnecessary habits that interfere with calm life

I remove these habits, you will feel the freedom of life, gradually feel the change, get more pleasure and happiness from every day.

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The habit of proveing ​​its trifle is present not only in real life. Remember how often we go to bed with internal dialogues. We carry out mental conversations where we prove your point of view. We plan an argued speech in case of a meeting. Thus, we are constantly in a stressful state. The brain does not divide the dialogues on mental and real. And every time, even mentally, we provoke your right point, we provoke the body to produce hormones, characteristic of protection and stress.

Is it necessary? Is it worth proving your right point to those who do not want to accept it? It is much better to feel free from evidence. You have provided the right to choose, and if your words have not accepted, then this is also a choice.

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The habit of criticizing the pushes us to divide on bad and good all actions or words. Because of this, we can and be happy, and angry. Try just to recognize the facts and do not respond to them. Learn to accept information as it is and not to try to evaluate it. Nothing will change from the assessment. Instead of the usual criticism, a habit of treating everything is easy.

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Waiting for response of kindness or help, we automatically launch the excavation of the "pits of duly response", accompanied by the accumulation of resentment. And in order to avoid your own negative emotions, you need to stop waiting for an answer. Then the resentment will not be copied, and all the good deeds that will return to you will please our unexpectedness.

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Justifying, we immediately put ourselves to the position "below the interlocutor." Over time, the habit of justifying reduces self-confidence and the value of a person, as a person, but strengthens the fears, since we are already ready to keep the answer before someone.

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Justifying someone's expectations that come against their own desires, we project themselves with the victim of circumstances. Friends, relatives, colleagues, executives, society have their expectations regarding us. Just as we expect certain actions from them. But this does not oblige to ignore his life or desire, implementing all expectations around.

Getting rid of these habits, we change our thinking. Therefore, you need to be prepared for what our environment can change. However, these changes bring pleasure, open a new look at the world, allow you to get acquainted with new people, find new impressions, otherwise see life, learn to love and appreciate yourself.

We will leave the article here → Amelia.

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