7 useful lifehams for young mom


The role of mother is always difficult and very responsible, especially if the happiness of motherhood has to experience for the first time. It seems that there is a million things that need to be done at the same time: to bathe baby and feed, as well as cook food for the whole family, to get into the apartment. Some young mothers continue their work in parallel. Permanent life in such a rhythm can lead to stress because of the inability to stop and relax for a while. Fortunately, now there are many ways that allow you to distinguish time to relax. Consider them in more detail.

7 useful lifehams for young mom 19761_1

Lifehak №1: feed breast

This method will allow not only to preserve the health of the mother and the baby, but also save a large amount of money, time and nerves. The meaning is that the baby must be breastfeeding all the time. It will help to save on the mixtures, will also retain the health of the child. Also, in this case, there will be no extra expenses on the nipples, bottles and special heaters. Parents do not have to get up at night and spend time on the preparation of the mixture and, for example, try to decide whose turn to get up to the child. Saved money there is always an application. For example, you can spend them on yoga or aqua aerobics for both moms and children. Currently, it is gaining popularity.

Lifehak №2: ironing and washing of children's things

This method will help preserve not only time, but also forces. It lies in the fact that you can not stroke the things of the baby and diaper, if you have to use them. If you look at the refusal of this from the point of view of hygiene, it will not clearly worse, since there will be no special benefit. Children's things need to be washed separately from adults. Washing with special means for children's things. If the older generation is displeased, the fact that the young mother is incorrectly cares for the child, then it is worth offering them to come every weekend and independently iron all the children's diapers.

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Lifehak №3: Cooking

Such a council will help to return a positive in relationship with a satellite of life and will ensure the formation of a food supply that will allow forget about care for the preparation of food for several days. In most cases, when a child appears, communication between parents comes down to viewing some film after the baby falls asleep. If this is the position of things in the family, then you should put on the kitchen or a small TV or a laptop, which will make less boring preparation of various dishes to which you can attract and husband.

Joint cooking will help spouses to get close together and will give a lot of positive emotions, and dumplings and cutlets placed in the freezer will provide family meals for a week. Otherwise, it will only be necessary to cook pasta or potatoes as a side dish.

Interestingly: Thirteen Lifehas for Mom Breasts ... and Dads too

Lifehak №4: Hands for a walk

This recommendation will help in a short time to collect a child for a walk. Baby dress is often hard. This process can take a lot of time from the parents. Hypertonus prevents him from completely straightening the handles and legs. With those children who have already grown up, another problem occurs. They start actively capricious, indulge in and try to get rid of elements of clothing that parents diligently wear them.

7 useful lifehams for young mom 19761_3

If a small child does not like this or that element of the clothes, it costs to refuse it. For a child aged 6 months before a year, slips are considered the most comfortable clothing, which are jumpsuits on the buttons. There are even such models that allow changing the diaper.

Slips will help mothers to save a lot of time leaving to gather going for a walk. Many parents confirm that their babies are more comfortable. For a walk, it is also recommended to purchase a sleeping bag, which will eventually become a jumpsuit. In addition to a large number of time it saves money.

Lifehak №5: choice of toys

Such a council will be able not only to save money, but also help to instill confidence in himself. Do not buy a child a large number of expensive and educational toys. The baby is rejoicing even completely ordinary toys and does not yet understand what costly things are of themselves. They can give him to the holidays of Grandparents, aunt and uncle. Children are glad to play with all real objects.

7 useful lifehams for young mom 19761_4

There is a truly useful occupation, helps to know the small child to surrounding the surrounding reality. Little gloves or socks remain, of which the baby has already grown. Of these, you can make small sensory balls, and if you show a fantasy, then create toys. To do this, it is necessary to fall asleep the croup inside and sew. For a stupid baby, any old phones, pots and spoons will be interested.

Scientists confirmed the idea that the baby does not need a lot of toys. Moreover, the lack of diversity will have a positive impact on the development of fantasy and the imagination of a small child, and also teaches to interact with the surrounding people.

On the topic: excellent lifehaki than to take a child at home in bad weather and gloomy weekends

Lifehak №6: Slings

Such a lifehak will help the young mother to avoid social isolation, as well as dependencies from other people. Many young mothers prefer slings, as they help not limit themselves in motion around the city. The sling scarf is easy to handle, it is enough just to try it to wind, so it would not hurt to buy it. You can plant a child and go anywhere, for example, to a meeting with girlfriends or shop for shopping. Thanks to the sling, you will not have to drag with you a bulky stroller.

7 useful lifehams for young mom 19761_5

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Lifehak №7: the right attitude towards the child

This recommendation will help to make not only a child, but also his parents. There is no need to do anything impossible. You just need to take your child as it is, a place with character and other features. If the child is passive and slow down, then it is not necessary to customize it in every way, it is better to choose something more suitable for his pastime.

It is not necessary to somehow limit the too active child who seeks to explore the world. It is better to help him with the embodiment of this desire. Each parent is worth listening to her child, it will help both now and in the future. The best way is also a holiday while sleeping baby. Every woman needs a lot of strength to do everything on time.

7 useful lifehams for young mom 19761_6

A few more tips

In addition to Lifehakam, consider some more tips for moms:

  1. If a young mother loves tea or coffee should be asked to give or purchase a thermo. After all, a small child constantly distracts, makes them completely forget about his desire to drink tea or coffee, because drinks quickly cool. The heatmospot will help you easily get rid of this problem, will give the opportunity to drink tea in any free minute.
  2. It is worth purchasing a large and soft bedspread or sew it from small flasks yourself. It will need to be used as a developing rug for a child, spreading it on the floor and putting a baby on him. This will help the child to start turning quickly and lead to attempts to sit down, because there will be a lot of interesting things around it.
  3. You can attach to the children's highchair or to the table various bells or ribbons with small toys. This will help take the baby during feeding. Parents do not have to regularly descend to the floor to raise the fallen toy. It is worth showing a child that you can pull the ribbon and the toy itself will come closer. This will help develop a major toddler motor.
  4. A good idea will arrange small boxes or baskets with all the fact that it is constantly necessary to care for the child. For example, put there wet and dry napkins, rattles and diapers. It will make life easier, especially if the apartment or the house is quite large.
  5. You can make a basket for a baby with safe items that you can play. For example, fill it with old keys, non-working phones, spoons and other interesting things for a child.

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