My 15-year-old daughter first looked at the film "Moscow does not believe in tears" and was puzzled


A 15-year-old daughter for the first time looked at the film "Moscow does not believe in tears" and was very puzzled. - Listen, why not the most beautiful, somehow aimed view of the mechanic Gosh, who is also rushing, does not respect personal boundaries, pursues and behaves like a typical absurr, is considered a romantic hero? - she asked with surprise. I, confess, nothing to answer her. For me, the choice of a successful, attractive main heroine of Goosh is the same perversion, such as the habit of gnawing chalk, to smear the jam on the sprats or darkening on a special "mushroom" socks. That is, I know that some do that, but yourself I will imagine this occupation - immediately goosebumps. Then we went to my grandmother together. And they tried to find out from her that there was such a beautiful in Gosh and as it was possible to fall in love with him (someone should know).

My 15-year-old daughter first looked at the film
© Moscow Tears does not believe / Mosfilm

- I think he is beautiful and courageous! Perhaps now I would even marry him! - Grandmother declared vigorously. We were overloaded. Perhaps, at 58, I will also say that this gosh is cute and even cute, but now the image of Goosh and beauty seems to be as far from each other, such as, for example, the words "tenderness" and "Krasnodar Metal Designs Plant". From masculinity, I clearly distinguish in it only the lengthy "MU". In search of truth, we looked at the great-grandmother. She solemnly spilled tea in porcelain cups, cut the pie, looked closely over his glasses and raised an eyebrow. - It's clear how God's day! - she exclaimed. - Gosha immediately offers serious relationships and even marriage is a lonely woman. Everything, nothing more from it is required. Checkmate. So in front of us and suddenly stood in full growth, the main trump card of any Gosh. The so-called "serious relationship". Actually, with the help of this crutch in a traditional society, almost any wonderful young man can not only move badly, but also to dance. The more strictering, the more active the woman is enough for "ready to marry" and "bad, but mine" than the freight of the larger, the legability of the woman.

My 15-year-old daughter first looked at the film
© Moscow Tears does not believe / Mosfilm

It turns out such a stick about two ends. In the traditional society, women are not available because they are already married or want to find a man for whom you can get married (no surrogates "without obligations" are not interested in). But, manifesting a bit of smelting and observation, not so difficult to marry. And if you don't hear much, this woman is not anywhere else from you later. After all, divorces are blamed. And in society, where women are emancipated, and the morals are freely, theoretically women should easily agree on free relationships. But this is only theoretically. In practice, the selection is much striking: on such conditions everyone wants young, successful, cute. And not ababe whom, older than 15 years old, in the old moth of the chair and with the obstacle physiognomy. Therefore, all these "serious intentions", "courting", "sought" so indignant men are indignant: this is their bonus. After all, if you think about it, it is easier to enter into a serious relationship than to stop being Gauche and sharply begin to meet a successful, attractive bride with a career.

My 15-year-old daughter first looked at the film
© Moscow Tears does not believe / Mosfilm

Thus, there are two strategies. The emphasis on serious relationships, which are not the most beautiful, not the most successful, but good, decent and suitable for marriage, certain bonuses. Or emphasis on personal achievements and physical appeal. And both of these strategies work. However, instead, I observe such a picture. On the one hand, some men complain about the traditional "procedure" of courtesies, do not want to marry and strive for easy short incidence. And on the other hand, they complain that women have exorbitant requirements and their interest to give God 5-10% of men. Like, injustice. However, it seems to me that the case is not in justice, but that the ass, trying to sit on two chairs, sooner or later it turns out on the floor ... publishes this text with the author's permission - blogger Moraine Morans

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