How to fix the table head in Excel. Locking upper line, sophisticated cap


When working with long tables that are not placed on the screen vertically and having a large number of columns, the need to scroll the screen to output the top line with the headers will occur periodically. For convenience in the Excel program, it is possible to fix the table caps at the top of the screen for all time until the file is open. Below are the options for achieving this.

It is necessary to secure only one top string.

How to fix the table head in Excel. Locking upper line, sophisticated cap 19746_1
Sequence of actions to secure a string
  1. In the top rift of the program, you need to go to the "View" tab.
  2. In the section "Window" (partition names are listed at the bottom line of the tape) to find the item "Fasten the area" and click on the triangle in its right part.
  3. In the list that opens, select "Secure the top string" by pressing the left mouse button. The result will be a permanent presence on the table header string screen, saved and after closing the file.

Fixing caps in several lines

If multiple lines are required, then act is different:
  1. In the extreme left column of the table, click on the cell of the first string that is not part of the cap. In this case, this is an A3 cell.

  2. Go to the "View" tab, click on the "Fix the Area" and in the discontinuing list select the seen item to "fasten the area". As a result, all lines located above the one that owns the selected cell is recorded at the top of the screen.

"Smart Table" - another option to fasten the hat

The one who is familiar with the smart tables Excel can take advantage of another useful way of consolidation. True, this option is applicable only in the case of a single-line hat.

How to fix the table head in Excel. Locking upper line, sophisticated cap 19746_2
Actions to create a "smart table"
  1. On the Ribbon tab "Home" highlight the entire table.
  2. In the "Styles" section (at the bottom line of the tape), click on the "Format As Table" item. A window opens with a set of table styles. It needs to click on the most suitable option.

  3. The "Formatting Table" window pops up, in which the boundaries of the future table are indicated, and the checkbox "Table with headlines" is located. You should make sure that the latter is a tick.
  4. Close the window by pressing the "OK" button.

Create a smart table in another way:

  1. After selecting the desired area, go to the Insert Ribbon tab and click on the "Table" item.
  2. In the pop-up list, click on the "Table" point.
  3. After the appearance of the "Creating Table" window appears with the same content as the "Formatting Table" window, you need to do actions similar to the already outlined above. In the end, the "smart table" will appear with the cap fixed at the top.

How to print a table with a cap on each page

When printing a table occupying several pages, it is useful to have its header on each page. This allows you to work with any printed page separately. In the Excel program, this feature is provided and implemented as follows.

  1. Go to the Ribbon Tape tab of the page markup and in the page "Page Settings" (in the bottom rod line) click on the window with an arrow to the right of the inscription.

  2. In the "Page Parameters" window that opens, go to the "Sheet" tab.
  3. Click on the "Thrink Lines" window (second above).
  4. Return to the table and, moving the cursor that took the view of the black arrow directed to the right, on the line with the line numbers, highlight the string or strings in which the table hat is located.

  5. On this all actions are completed, however, their result is not displayed on the screen.

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View Window View of the Printed Document - Page 1 With Cap

Here by pressing the triangles in the bottom line of the window or scrolling the mouse wheel, when the cursor installed on the table page, you can view all pages to check the hats on each of them.

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Preview Window Before Printing Document - Page 2 With Hat


In Excel, there are two ways to constantly display on the table caps of the table. One of them involves the use of the fastening of the region, the second is to turn the table into the "smart" using the formatting of the selected area of ​​the insertion inserts in it. Both ways are allowed to fix one line, but only the first allows it to do with a cap consisting of more lines. Excel has additional convenience - the ability to print a document with a cap on each page, which, of course, increases the efficiency of working with it.

Message How to fix the table head in Excel. Fixing the upper line, a complex hat appeared first to information technology.

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