Parade roots. Celery, Bathat and Fennel - Your New Favorites


    Good afternoon, my reader. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers can be found in any garden - the shoots of the listed cultures are certainly decorated with your beds. If the taste of these vegetables to you by the order of fed up, and you missed a variety, a saving sip of fresh air will be the culture described in this article. Publication contains useful information about unusual roots, tubers and bulbous plants.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Root roots in the garden (photo used by standard license ©

    Popular abroad Culture is rarely found in our gardens. This is not surprising - the batt is an extremely gentle, thermal-loving plant with a long vegetation period, which makes it an unsuitable candidate for growing in Russia.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Batat (photos with

    However, if you do not think of life without the sweet pulp of the fruit of the batt, try yourself in its breeding still worth it. On the beds, it is possible to plant a type of early seedy battoo or sponeware grown independently. In the first case, it will be possible to start the harvest to get started after 90-100 days after the appearance of germs, in the latter, the ripening of fruits will take about 150 days.

    Unlike the repa, it will not be capricious, even being planted in the north of Russia. The fruits of this unpretentious culture are perfectly stored, it is possible to use them in the preparation of a set of dishes - turnip baked, stuffing and extinguished, served with meat and vegetables.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Rope (photo with

    Popular among gardeners steel Snow ball, orbit, granddaughter, red hat. Recommended for the cultivation of the Japanese Rope Kabu - its flesh does not have the properties to be patched, and the leaves can be used in the preparation of salads.

    Of all the onions described in the crop artist is the most popular. Lavra This plant has deserved thanks to several factors: first, growing onions extremely simply, secondly, the pulp of his fruit is used in the preparation of a colossal number of dishes - you can use it and boiled, and dried, and fried, kneading and squeeze in order to get juice . Luke feathers can also be eaten.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Onions (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Culture prefers to grow on well-lit sections with loose nutrient soil. At the stage of active growth, the plant needs abundant irrigation, and after the completion of the growing season, on the contrary, becomes very sensitive to the overgrowth.

    The taste of this root is familiar to all Japanese cuisine lovers - pickled ginger are served to rolls and sushi, seafood snacks and rice dishes. The widespread root of ginger is used as seasonings, and fresh flesh is added to vegetable soups and puree.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Ginger (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    In Russia, an exotic plant is rarely grown in the fresh air - ginger is better to contain indoors. When landing the root placed in a small container kidney, the soil is pre-treated with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. In warm sunshine, seedlings are taken out to the balcony.

    If there is still a free space on your beds, this is a sign - an unoccupied area must be given to breed beets. The fruits of this unpretentious culture are used in the manufacture of canned products, cut into salads, soaring and extinguish. Food can be used and beet leaves.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Beet (photo used by standard license ©

    The plant needs a large number of sunlight, plant it on open areas with nutrient soil. To reduce the content of acidic substances in the ground, the beds can be sprinkled with a layer of ash, dolomite flour or lime.

    Fennel Gourmet valued for rich spicy taste and aroma. Cookins in their experiments use all the plants without exception - the stems, tubers, leaves and even seeds go to food.

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    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Fennel (photo with

    To our climate, the thermal-loving culture has adapted well, but for the winter it should still be covered or digging out. The plant prefers to grow on well-lit open areas with loose neutral soil.

    You can eat both rhizomes and vegetable celery. Stems and leaves of this plant usually arouse and use as seasonings, massive tubers eat raw. It is possible to produce juices and nutritional supplements from celery, it is good, he is pickled or saline.

    Parade roots. Celery, Bathat and Fennel - Your New Favorites 19724_8
    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Celery (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    The Holy Culture was the Indostan peninsula, it meets in some countries of Asia and America, which we can conclude that the plant prefers a wet roast climate.

    Famous benchmarks of jaundice, Bushma, German and earthlock Culture brings a crop of large purple tubers. The juicy pulp of the trousers is used in the preparation of dishes from meat and fish, from the dried tops are made spicy seasoning. Loves the fruits of the trousers to enjoy and live cattle.

    Parade roots. Celery, Bathat and Fennel - Your New Favorites 19724_9
    Parade roots. Celery, Batat and Fennel - Your New Nelya Favorites

    Brubva (Photo used by standard license ©

    Gardeners from all over the globe are engaged in breeding unpretentious culture. The trouser can be grown through seedlings or disembarking by sowing seeds. The plant needs abundant irrigation and regular feeding. It is possible to use potassium and phosphorus, manganese, boron and copper, dung alive as fertilizers.

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