Anomalous earthquakes in the US have hidden on the hidden activity of ancient volcanoes


The report of American scientists about the observations made at that time and conclusions from their analysis are published in the peer-reviewed magazine of Geophysical Research Letters. Among other things, the authors of the work explained how those earthquakes are so interesting and worth worrying to worry people. The source of seismic waves in both cases was at the depth of just a half miles below the surface (just less than 2.5 kilometers). What is already strange, since the earthquakes occurring in the nearby fault of Wyostch, arise almost ten kilometers under the surface (about six miles). But the most interesting characteristic of the jokes in September 2018 and April 2019 was the lack of S-waves under the volcanic field of Black-Rock-desert.

Due to the presence of two seismometer networks at once, scientists managed to collect a large amount of data on these series of impetus. In fact, according to the leading author of the research of Maria Mesimeri (University of Utah) from the University of Utah, it is two sets of tools that helped determine the nature of abnormal earthquakes. The spread of waves simultaneously recorded the UTAH Regional Seismic Network seismometers and the distributed network of the Forge project sensors set by order of the US Department of Energy (DOE) to monitor the sources of geothermal energy.

Anomalous earthquakes in the US have hidden on the hidden activity of ancient volcanoes 19684_1
View of the volcanic field Black-Rock Desert / © In The Company of Plants and Rocks

What is curious, the DOE network turned out to be more sensitive to the university - she spotted with a total of 35 jolts for both earthquakes against 19. And another interesting fact: additional information about the impetus was also obtained using the remote sensing satellites of the Earth. Usually, such weak earthquakes are impossible for such weak earthquakes, however, in the described case, the hypocenter was very close to the surface, and the orbital devices were able to fix its movement.

According to the nature of seismic waves and the place of occurrence, scientists concluded that their source was the movement of a certain liquid medium. An option is only two: either water under the action of high temperature and pressure pushed through the rocks, or their displacement provoked the movement of magma. In the latter case, as Messen notes, the eruptions fear early - nothing indicates such an opportunity. But scientists will now be much more closely to watch this region.

Anomalous earthquakes in the US have hidden on the hidden activity of ancient volcanoes 19684_2
View from the satellite to the volcanic field of Black-Rock Desert. Black blots next to Flawell - the largest of the preserved spills of basalt lava / © Google

Black Rock Desert Volcanic Field (Black Rock Desert Volcanic Field) should not be confused with the Black Rock Desert, which is known for the Burning MAN festival, speed records and tests of amateur missiles. There are about 600 kilometers between them and they are in different states. But Black-Rock Deeste is located on the site of the earth's crust, which is thinned due to a constant stretching of the tectonic plates moving relative to each other - the Pacific, North American and a small slab coconut. The last major eruptions in this region occurred between nine and 12 thousand years ago, and the last noticeable activity is about 660 years ago.

Source: Naked Science

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