In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange

In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange 19662_1
In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange 19662_2
In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange 19662_3

Oh, these numbers, which only does not happen to them! Then the leaf sticks out, then the dirt, then the paint tears, and so it is selectively that the diva is given! In Minsk, Tesla was seen with very problem registration signs.

A few of our readers paid attention to the car and on his number. First, look at the snapshot to which the user of our Forum with Nick Against shared. TESLA Model S White Color, on the registration number you can distinguish E055 AA-7. But it is possible to distinguish between it is near, as the paint is preserved only on E and 0 characters. This is not to mention that the number itself causes certain questions: somehow unusually seen the Belarusian registration sign in the format with the letter and three numbers.

Go ahead. The photo that Onliner was sent by another our reader, a snapshot was made on the ring in the Vostochny bus station. Sign The same and car - Tesla Model S White Color. But the paint is only on E, the symbol of 0 - "responded." Here is bad luck, right? Paint from the room is splattery literally in front of her eyes!

If the numbers fade before the estimated service life is completing five years, then they need to be changed. If the series is really matured as defective (this happened), then this will be done for free.

At the same time, and deal with what format should there be a number, how many letters there, and how many numbers.

However, the owner of Tesla change registration signs is in no hurry. Over the past month, our reader has seen this car three times: mainly in the city center or in the factory district.

- A new standard of numbers or their poor quality, - comes to the output of the interlocutor. - By the way, the driver is a very sharp guy. Rebuildings through three stripes after check out from parking without turn signals in the stream - it is strong.

He also added that the front number of this car also begins to somehow strangely "fading."

"To me, as a driver with a 12-year experience, a man's motifs and his behavior on the road are not clear. Not only are the open numbers are unreadable, it still goes like a pilot. Perhaps therefore unreadable, "our reader suggests.

As you know, paragraph 10.3 of the Rules of the Road Movement says: "The driver is prohibited to participate in road traffic on a vehicle with pollution (layers), not allowing to see information on a registration mark (temporary license plate) from a distance of 40 meters and less."

Responsibility for managing the vehicle with a deliberately hidden, faked or otherwise modified registration sign, the identification number of the body or chassis or without a assigned registration sign entails responsibility under Part 6 of Art. 18.11 COAP. Punishment is a fine of 10 to 20 basic quantities (from 290 to 580 rubles).

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