List chat newspapers Balakov. Lectures instead of prayer

List chat newspapers Balakov. Lectures instead of prayer 19642_1

130 years ago

Fancy backgrounds

S. Balakovo. Winter this year gives everyone to feel: it began very early by strong frosts, which continue to keep without the slightest empties. For too two months already, as Winter has been established, and there was not a single thaw. And if it is added to this that in general the snow in the fields are still a bit, then the fear for the future crop of wintering, which can freeze. Of course, to speak now about the future, the yield is premature, and I don't want to assume anything bad: so our province has been suffering from an accident for several years in a row. In some places, the economic welfare of the population fell to such an extent, which seems to be foreseen the possibilities and raise it! Many peasants were completely upset by the economy, so they are strongly unable to lead him, and then root the case of a terrible debt of the population, which in her suffered due to the latter years of the latter years, as a result of which the land had to issue loans for food and to an interference of the fields. We have parishes that have been a loan from the land for the fifth year, so they are expressed by a very solid number. You can imagine how difficult it is to recover and pay with the debts.

Saratov leaves, January 26, 1891

Volzhsky "Gold"

C. Wide Buaerac. Local landowners, heirs of KN. Kochubey (owned to the abolition of serfdom and with. Nataliaino, which is located in the Balakovo district - Yu.K.), last fall sent from St. Petersburg an experienced engineer to explore the ground of their extensive estate, assuming that there are metals in the mountains. Research has confirmed their assumptions: it turned out that all the collapse (about 10 thousand tens) contains a large amount of good iron. Studies are manufactured now. On the mountains there are several small tents that protect the excavation from snow drifts. Under these tents produced daily work.

In the spring of the present year. Kochubei intend to build a plant on the banks of the Volga for the development of removed metals.

There are alarming rumors between the peasants that the Kochubee would intend to apply for the transfer of the village from the banks of the Volga to the Khutur, located in several versts from the coast, because under the very salty there would be as if golden gold.

Samara newspaper, January 24, 1891

105 years ago

Returned from Front

Commissioners of the city committee I.V. Kobzar and A.A. Kuznetsov, who traveled to the current army for distributing Christmas gifts for money, collected before the holidays in Balakov, returned and submitted a report on their trip. In total, they were purchased in Moscow of various gifts by 17 thousand rubles, and they were taken to the German front, where they were distributed to the soldiers and officers of one of the regiments on vacation. The reception of the authorized was the most heartfelt: both officers and soldiers very much touched that such a small town, like our Balakovo, about which many before that time did not even have the concept, expressed his army sympathy such a solid amount that the regiment commander and expressed In her farewell speech, stressing that in the obvious sympathy of the Motherland, our army draws the vigor and the strength of the Spirit necessary for the final victory over the enemy in which it does not doubt.

The overall impression of our authorized was very good and, in turn, were convinced that our army was strong and Bodra. By the way, they had to hear the most better reviews about activities in the Army of Urban and Zemstvo unions, which are not for fear, but for conscience right there, and for conscience.

Sading nose

Flour merchants, feeling their strength, have become directly unrecognizable. Previously, they usually bent before the buyer were bent into three arcs and the opposition to each other they called him to himself, and now they not only do not look at him, but they do not even pay attention. Recently, for example, one rural priest went to the shops of this year. Melnikova and allowed himself to disturb the trusted request, so that he gave him a bill for her flour, what the score was needed for reporting. Trusted, first of all, made a reprimand with a modest father for disturbing him at the time when he knew him, and then abruptly refused his request, saying that he did not want any bills, and if he did not like it , then he can flour and not buy. No accompanies that every trader is obliged at the request of the buyer, to give him a bill, since he does not trade with the age, and even pay it to his stamp fee, she did not have success, and the Terrible trusted major flour merchant stood on her that he had no such rules It does not want to know, and only after when the father prayed that without a score he would have his money to pay for the flour, taken for the church, trustedly walked and wrote a pencil paper on a block that such a day for flour was received, without having a firm , quantity and price.

Saratov leaves, January 19, 1916

100 years ago

Demonstration of power

On January 14, a demonstration of different types took place at the sport club: free movement, exercise with a rod, exercise with weights and struggle. The evening passed lively.

Lectures instead of prayer

At the general meeting of workers and employees of the monastic Soviet economy (in the cryptochye-surviving parish) on the issue of cultural and educational work, it was decided to arrange evenings for reading newspapers. Once a week, the evening will be used to read the lecture, and for lecturers it was decided to go to the cryptochye-surfactant school II stage.

Red Nabat, January 19, 1921

90 years ago

Decisive congress

The opening fourth district congress of the Soviets must resolve a number of major issues and outline practical activities that ensure the successful implementation of the third, decisive year of the five-year plan, which is mainly constructed to build the foundation of the socialist economy.

This congress is the first after the elimination of the districts. In a short time after the elimination of the districts, the area showed combat capability in resolving all economic and political campaigns.

Along with the indisputable achievements of our area there are disadvantages. In a number of village councils, the most important events have not yet been fulfilled (boning, mobilization of funds, collaboration there are breakthroughs in preparation for spring). Many tips (Majang, Elanc, Matveyevka) did not turn more seriously to collectivization.

The District Congress of Soviets with merciless self-criticism should open all the shortcomings in the work of the Soviet apparatus in order to strengthen the advice on the struggle for the general line of the party, resolutely cleaning the Soviet apparatus from the Right-Porting Elements and Primirents to them, and also be horribified by "left" tolers Right opportunism.

Five-year plan, January 25, 1931

80 years ago

Build a new town

Factory-factory learning schools have been created in our city and a craft school with a contingent of students in them 550 people. In 1941, the number of students and teachers will increase significantly.

The FZO School launched a large construction of an industrial town with a total investment at one and a half million rubles. Boiler, plumbing, carpentry, material warehouses, office, hostels and residential buildings for teaching staff will be built.

Craftsman School is designed for a new construction of residential buildings and production workshops 900 thousand rubles.

In the coming years, we will have a new industrial town, which will be bought by footage for our socialist industries and river transport.

A lot of work falls out to the share of Balakovo builders who have to create a new industrial town in the shortest possible time, building the buildings to the latest technology.

Socialistic work ", January 19, 1941

30 years ago

Against dictatorship

Last Sunday, January 20, in the area of ​​the hotel "Balakovo" by representatives of the Balakovo organization of the Democratic Party of Russia, a peaceful protest was held on the events in Lithuania (hard clashes between Lithuanian independence supporters on the one hand and the military personnel of the USSR SCR and the leaders of the National Savings Committee of the Lithuanian SSR As a result of which 15 people died and 900 was injured in varying degrees of severity - Yu.K.).

The main purpose of the action was to collect signatures under the appeal to the President of the USSR, to the Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, in which concern about the return of the former forms of government to the state: "Centralized, unlawful, dictatorial regime, when the elite group of citizens of the country wishes to manage everyone, believed with the rest of fellow citizens. "

Representative of the Democratic Party of Russia N.M. Novikov categorically stated: "Russia must come out of the Union. The main goal of this step is to know yourself: can they provide for themselves and our descendants for normal life. "

Under the appeal, there were signatures of more than 500 balakovtsy.

V. Astashov.

Balakovo Bulletin, January 25, 1991

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