Black hole movement

Black hole movement 19634_1

Researchers from the Harvard Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics (USA) first definitely recorded the case of movement of the supermassive black hole in outer space. The results of their work are published in the Astrophysical Journal magazine.

Scientists have previously assumed that black holes can move. However, it turned out to be "catching" this phenomenon. According to the head of the study, Dominica Peshe, in most cases, black holes remain in one place due to their huge mass.

As a comparison, he led an example with a soccer ball and a bowling ball - the second to move away much more difficult. On a outer scale "Ball" is an object several million times more than the sun.

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Areas of black hole

A black hole is a space-time area that is distinguished by such a large gravitational force that to leave its limits are not able to even objects moving at the speed of light. Scientists allocate two realistic scenarios for the formation of black holes:

  • compression of a massive star;
  • Compression center of the galaxy (or protoglactic gas).

In the case of a star, a black hole is only its final life step. It is formed when the star spends all thermonuclear fuel and begins to cool. At the same time, the internal pressure contributing to compression under the influence of gravity is reduced. Sometimes this compression becomes very fast - goes into a gravitational collapse. The black hole may arise from the star, the mass of which is at least 3 times the mass of the sun.

Peshe and other project participants were observed for supermassive black holes (105-1011 Sun) for 5 years. It is a large size of a hole in the center of a set of galaxies. Milky Way - no exception. In the center of our galaxy is a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A *, open in 1974 its radius does not exceed 45 a. e., but not less than about 13 million km.

Watching the speeds of galaxies and black holes, scientists tried to find out whether they are the same. Missets will indicate that any changes have occurred with a black hole. As part of the study, 10 distant galaxies and black holes were studied in their nuclei.

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Galaxy J0437 + 2456

For observations, objects were best suited in accretion disks (rotating structures) of which water was contained. The fact is that when the water rotates around a black hole, a radiosvel beam occurs, resembling a laser. When using the interferometry method, these rays help measure the speed of the black hole.

The study showed that one black hole from 10 stands out against the rest of the rest. It is located in the center of the Galaxy J0437-2456 (230 million light years from the Earth). The mass of the object is about 3 times higher than the mass of the sun. Confirm the assumption about the movement of a black hole was achieved thanks to further observations, which were carried out in Arecibo and Gemini Observatory. Scientists have established that the supermassive black hole is moving at a speed of about 110,000 miles per hour.

What exactly provokes the movement of the object is still unknown. But researchers have several assumptions. This may be a fusion of two supermassive black holes, or the object is part of a double system.

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