A new novel Aleksey Ivanov "Shadi Tevtonov" came out

A new novel Aleksey Ivanov
A new novel Alexei Ivanov "Shadje Teutons" PRSPB

In the international service, the Storytel's audiobook has appeared premiere series of the first audiosry of Alexey Ivanov "Shadi Teutonov" (Iimii on the link). There will be six episodes in total, they will start to publish every week at once two. The book version of the novel "Shadows of Teutonov", preparing in the publishing house "Ripol Classic", will appear in stores on January 25th.

"It is unlikely that the reader or the listener will see the difference between audioserial and ordinary novel, but it should be. Audiosryer is built as a television series: it is divided into parts-series, sounding minutes for forty, in each series - its small plot, and at the end of the series there should be a hook for further action. But more important is the language. A person reads faster than hears, so the author's speech should be a brief, tank and clear, and the listener should always see a picture behind the text. To solve these artistic tasks, I was extremely interesting to me as the author, "Alexey Ivanov comments.

New novel voiced the actors of the theater and movies:

- Yura Borisov, who first tried himself in the role of reader (known on the films of "Kalashnikov", "T-34", "Silver skates" and others, Actor 2020, according to GQ);

"Grigory Pernel, well known to all audiobook lovers, whose voice penetrates deep into the soul and makes you tremble even desperate bravemen, who recorded over 100 projects as reader and dubling actor.

The author of his impressions are divided by the audition: "Grigory Perel and Jura Borisov coped with the voice acting just brilliantly. Gregory Perell has some ancient, mystical, gothic voice - just as you need for knightly history with secrets and demon. And in the voice of Yura Borisov heard the fatigue and bitterness of the young soldier, who finally brought to the victory, but the human cruelty did not lose humanity and the ability to sympathize. "

The idea of ​​the novel was born on a journey to those places, which later Alexei Ivanov described in the novel, - in the Naval City of Baltiysk, who was first called Pillau, and in the Marienburg Castle - the former capital of the Teutonic Order.

XV century. Polish Shutany Kaetan Kaetan dreams dreams to avenge the Teutonic Order for a terrible insult. He is the devil, they conclude a deal: Satan must overthrow the Order, and Kaetan help the prince of darkness to find a relic - the Sword of Liguch, who once cut off the head to John the Baptist himself.

1945 year. Soviet troops after severe fighting forever expelled the Germans from East Prussia. Counterintelligers are hunting on hiding in the catacombs of the Nazis, and the far descendant of Kaetana Kalikhovsky dreams of finding the very sword of Liguch to end with a generic curse.

"Among the majestic ancient fortresses, in the gloomy vintage catacombs fantasy works with doubled power. I easily came up with the plot of the biblical sword to tie together Poland, Germany and Russia, the fifteenth century and twentieth. But the continuation of this novel will not be. Everything is completed and said, "adds a writer.

Alexey Ivanov is one of the most famous Russian writers, a brilliant stylist and a all-knowing erudite, which from the novel in the novel explains how Russia is arranged and each of us. The creator of bestsellers "Geographer Globe Propil", "Tobol", "Communication-on-blood" and "Parma's heart". The most popular at the service of Aleksey Ivanov's audio management was "Tobol", "bad weather" and "sophistication". The top 5 also includes "hostel-on-blood" and "Gold Bunt". The author is included in the top 30 most popular in Storytel.

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