What is fascism and why did he appear in Italy?


At the end of the 19th century, the Epoch of the Great Policy began. Parties fought for their voters, offering their ways to solve pressing problems. The world was divided into ideology. Often, some historians joke that it was the confrontation of various "Izmov": from communism to nationalism. Fascism was played in the history of Europe, which led to the formation of one of the first totalitarian states. In this article we will analyze what is fascism and why he appeared in Italy.

Why italy?

In 1919, a former journalist of socialist views founded in Milan "Union of Fight" - "Fascio Di Combattimento". So the word "fascism" broke into the Italian political dictionary. It was used before, but only now this political force claimed power. The Italian kingdom was reborn the second half of the 19th century. The Italians were not yet fully formed as a nation, that they remembered the ancestors of the great Romans on appetifiers. The country wanted to return the "place under the sun", which means that all Europe, they prepared for the First World War. First - on the side of the Germans and Austrians, and from 1915 - on the side of the Entente (England, France and Russia).

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Two Italian pilot Francesco Barakka (1st left) and Fulko Ruffo di Calabria (2nd left) during the First World War.

In 1918, the war ended, but brought the Italian people some disappointment: millions of people died or received serious injuries, in certain areas of the country, the peasants lived on the verge of hunger, the factories stopped. Even the new territories did not receive the Italians. Theitaly was among the winners, but was like defeated. In the situation of economic collapse, people tend to believe popurism, despair inclines people to extremes. In the case of Italy - to the very "right" extremes, in the political sense. Benito Mussolini and his "Druzhina" offered the Italians the path to the greatness and those in it believed. "Fascio" - meant "beam", the unity that Mussolini wanted to achieve, so that the Italians again became the Empire of the Mediterranean, as in the times of Caesar or Aktavian Augustus. And where the greatness will be both economic prosperity. Agree, tempting sounds, especially when you were disappointed in old ideals.

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Fascist poster "Win and We Win"

The origins and the main provisions of fascism

The American historian Paine Paine believes that one of the intellectual sources of fascism ideas is social darvinism. He was formed after some sociologists suffered the ideas of Darwin on a social organism. If short, the societies are also subject to natural selection, they survive the strongest. And if the main public organization is the state, it means that it should protect their people.

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Benito Mussolini examines the technique (Brazilian National Archive)

At the head of such a state, there should be a strong and authoritative leader, practically "superhuman", well, or as the fascists said - "Duch". Here is a brief scheme of a fascist view on a social model: "Strong leader - a strong state - a strong nation." Aitaleans after the First World War were disappointed in two political models: parliamentarism (as they said, "Simple Study") and Monarchism (in Italy Rules King) . It was necessary to look for a new political model and the fascists were offered. In 1926, one of the associates and ideologues of Mussolini published the book "Basics of Fascism", which outlined the main ideas of the party. In 1932, "Duchess" published the "Doctrine of Fascism." Here are the main ideas of the fascists:

  • Nation and the state are the highest value.
  • To protect the nation, the state must have a comprehensive power.
  • There should be corporate governance in everything, personality is not able to provide survival.
  • Race approach (reference to Hitler's ideas) deviates. But the state is obliged to protect the nation from "other people" influences. Hence the bans on mixed marriages in the late 1930s.

The first supporters of Benito became the former military, disappointed in the ideals of humanism, watching the death of friends and colleagues at the front. Mussolini's troops themselves were called "BlackRruffs." The choice of color is not accidental: in honor of the mourning for the dead people and ideas. Ultra right offered their "perfect world."

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Mussolini among the blacklores going on Rome

Who is this Benito Mussolini

Until 1919, he consisted in the Socialist Party of Italy. Historic irony: Italian "left" stands at the origins of the ultra-right movement of Europe. During the war years, he emigrated to Switzerland to avoid calling. But by the end of the war, he began to be disappointed in socialism, because there was a class in the first place, not a nation. Mussolini was also the ideas of the dictatorship of the proletariat and other left ideas. Benito by 1919 combined the ideas of radical nationalism, conservatism and social darvinism. Working in various publications, he learned to skillfully handle the word that in the future he helped him in campaign work.

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Portrait of Benito Mussolini, 1937-1940.

From ideas to power

In 1921, the "Union of Fight" became the national fascist party. For the first time they declared claims to power. Through the elections, there was no place in parliament, then Mussolini threatened to King Viktor Emmanuil III by a military campaign on Rome. Monarh was afraid of the Civil War, especially since Benito in the detachments there were people with serious combat experience. The king gave way, the fascists received their deputy mandates. In 1924, most places occupied the fascists in the elections. At the same time, the Socialist Matteati spoke with the criticism of the fascists. Soon he was killed by Mussolini militants. Political repression began in the country, the opposition was eliminated. A secret police was created, and fascist propaganda began across the country. In 1929, the Italians voted on the plebiscite for the fact that they can have only one party. Italy finally became totalitarian.

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Fascist Pre-election leaflet 1924

The consequences of the appearance of fascism

It should be remembered that this is the ideology of revengery. The best way to return your status is to start a new war. One World War was little mankind. It comes out, the appearance of fascism is one of the reasons for World War II. Mussolini influenced the popularity of ultra-right ideas in Germany. Hitler All 1920s was a fan of the Italian dictator, but when their statuses equalized, tried to hide it. Führer adapts the ideas of "dead" under the German people, creating a racial theory, led to the Holocaust, genocides, ghetto, camps and other crimes of the Nazi regime. Well, of course we will not forget that the totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century led to the fact that this century we call bloody.

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