Crows distinguish our faces and remember them. This is proven by experiments

Crows distinguish our faces and remember them. This is proven by experiments 19610_1

We usually do not remember the crowded raven and hardly learn them when meeting. Two crows for most of us - one person. But they distinguish our faces perfectly, learn them and can even describe their relatives. If a person hurts an evil one bird, the whole pack may attack it at the next meeting.

A group of scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle, led by John Marslaff, conducted a number of experiments. Their results confirmed that the crows remember how one or another person turned with them and behave accordingly.

For one studies, a group of scientists had to catch twelve raven. To birds could not find out, these people put on special latex masks that closed the whole face.

Cathered birds settled in the laboratory, where ordinary employees were cared for them. They took care of them, so the crows were accustomed to people and behaved calmly. This went four weeks.

After that, at one moment, people in the same latex masks were included in the premises with birds, in which scientists caught raven. And feathered worried. Scanning showed that at that moment they activated the brain zones responsible for fear.

Crows distinguish our faces and remember them. This is proven by experiments 19610_2
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Another experiment was performed on the street, in the habitats of these birds. Woman named Calley Swift came to feed the raven, they learned her and flew to treat. Once, during the feeding there, a man came in a mask, who kept a dead clown in his hands. The birds raised the stir, refused to have the proposed Calie food and began to worry in the air. Sometimes they tried to attack this man.

After that, if a person appeared during feeding in the same mask, the crows refused to take food and expressed anxiety. Even despite the fact that in his hands he had nothing already.

Several times in a similar situation to the crow went out by a man with a pigeon. But the birds reacted only in 40% of cases. That is, they are more worried about people who harm them to their relatives.

And one of our readers once shared his own history of relations with these smart birds. The girl faded one crow in the yard, and once in the presence of a bird she had a conflict with a neighbor because of a parking space. After that, the whole flock began to systematically "bomb" the car of the aggressor. So feathered better not to offend.

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