The position and structure of the National Bank changed Tokayev


The position and structure of the National Bank changed Tokayev

The position and structure of the National Bank changed Tokayev

Astana. 28th of February. KazTAG - President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev changed the situation and structure of the National Bank, the agency correspondent reports.

"In the Regulations on the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (...): Part Fourth of paragraph 4 shall be amended as follows:" In its activities, the branch is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Resolution of the Management Board, the Committee on Monetary Policy and the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, orders , orders of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the Regulations and Regulations on the branch of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, "- said in the decree of Tokayev.

Thus, in the new edition, the mention of the Decisions of the Committee on Monetary Policy appeared. This committee is also submitted to the new version of clause 7 of the Regulation (this item regulates the procedure for making decisions by the National Bank), and subparagraphs 6, 7 and 9 of the first paragraph 21 of the Regulation (the powers of the Chairman of the National Bank).

"In paragraph 23: part first shall be amended as follows:" 23. The bodies of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are the Board, the Committee on Monetary Policy and the Board of Directors "; Part Third complement subparagraph 9-1) of the following content: "9-1) approves the rules for granting the budget (estimates of expenses) of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Grant for research on the priority areas of the National Bank of Kazakhstan," said in the document.

The position was also supplemented by paragraph 23-1 of the following content: "23-1. The Monetary Policy Committee of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is a decision maker on monetary policy issues. "

"The Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan: 1) establishes the basic bet; 2) sets remuneration rates on major monetary policy operations; 3) makes decisions on other issues of monetary policy that are not related to the exclusive competence of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, "is specified in the Tokayev decree.

The Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank, according to the document, includes the Chairman of the National Bank, its deputies who are supervising the issues of monetary policy, monetary operations, financial stability, heads of structural units of the National Bank, which include monetary policy issues, monetary operations, financial stability, as well as other divisions of the National Bank by decision of the Chairman of the National Bank.

"The Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan may include persons who are not employees of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, complying with the requirements approved by the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The composition and regulation of the work of the Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are approved by the Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. At the meetings of the Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is chaired. Meetings of the Committee on Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. The Monetary Policy Committee of the National Bank of Kazakhstan on issues related to its competence takes decrees, "the document says.

Paragraph 24, which regulates the work of the Board of Directors of the National Bank, part of the first and second complaints with the following edition: "24. The Board of Directors of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is a body of operational management of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and makes decisions on issues under the jurisdiction of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, with the exception of issues within the competence of the Board and Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (or his deputies). The Board of Directors includes the chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, his deputies, heads of structural units of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The composition of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is approved by the Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. "

"The fourth paragraph (" The Board of Directors establishes the level of remuneration rates on monetary policy and base rates and base rates for the impact of market interest rates in the financial market in the framework of the monetary policy "- KazTAG) subparagraph 11) part of the fifth exclude", - Specified in the decree.

Decree entered into action.

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